News & Agenda


16 januari 2023

New methods to investigate the interface between biomaterials and cells to help regenerate body tissues

New methods to investigate the interface between biomaterials and cells to help regenerate body tissues

Lidy Fratila-Apachitei and Murali Ghatkesar received a Cohesion grant to investigate how 3-D printed pillars with features in the sub-micrometre range can affect adhesion and mechanics of living progenitor cells at single cell level. Together with postdoc researcher Livia Angeloni and the other collaborators, they developed and applied a novel method based on fluid force microscopy.

22 november 2022

Saskia van Heumen TU Delft Best Graduate 2022

Saskia van Heumen TU Delft Best Graduate 2022

Saskia van Heumen van 3mE is uitgeroepen tot TU Delft’s Best Graduate 2022 voor haar uitzonderlijke onderzoek naar het gebruik van foto-akoestische beeldvorming bij de behandeling van lymfe-oedeem.

22 november 2022

ERC Starting Grant for Ali Akyildiz

ERC Starting Grant for Ali Akyildiz

The European Research Council has awarded an ERC Starting Grant to Ali Akyildiz. Akyildiz’s research focusses on cardiovascular biomechanics, specifically individual people’s susceptibility to cardiovascular events, such as heart attack and stroke, due to biomechanical failure in their blood vessels. This 1.5 million euros grant is to cover the costs of a five-year research programme, and is awarded to researchers who are at the start of their career, but have already excelled in a promising line of research.

22 november 2022

OpenSim Creator: Empowering biomedical research with biomechanical models wins CZI EOSS Award

OpenSim Creator: Empowering biomedical research with biomechanical models wins CZI EOSS Award

Ajay Seth has been awarded a Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) Essential Open Source Software for Science (EOSS) grant of US$ 350,000 to develop OpenSim Creator. This open-source biomechanical simulator will enable researchers worldwide to create novel neuromuscular and musculoskeletal models within hours, enabling better and faster responses to biomedical questions about human and animal mobility.

10 november 2022

Bart van Straten in diverse media

26 september 2022

Why do older adults stand-up differently to young adults?

Why do older adults stand-up differently to young adults?

As we age, we start to change the way we move. But why do older adults move differently to young adults? How much change can we tolerate before assist is needed? And how does adaptation relate to falls? Eline van der Kruk and a team of researchers of Imperial College in London explore these questions in a daily life activity. Their findings were published in the Nature Portfolio NPJ Aging.

13 september 2022

Paul Breedveld beste docent van 2021 - 2022

Paul Breedveld beste docent van 2021 - 2022

Alle studenten van faculteit 3mE mochten stemmen voor de beste docent 2021-2022. Hiermee tonen ze hun waardering voor de unieke en creatieve wijze waarop de betreffende docenten onderwijs geven. Goede docenten zijn onmisbaar voor de kwaliteit van de 3mE-studies.

06 september 2022

Is iemand van de trap gevallen of geduwd? NFI en TU Delft werken aan model voor complexe valzaken

Is iemand van de trap gevallen of geduwd? NFI en TU Delft werken aan model voor complexe valzaken

Is iemand van de trap gevallen of geduwd? Zaken waarin een overleden persoon onderaan de trap ligt, zijn complex. Om de opsporing te helpen, werkt het NFI samen met TU Delft aan een computermodel dat menselijke valpartijen kan simuleren.

30 augustus 2022

Alfred Schouten benoemd tot hoogleraar System Identification for Human Motion Control

Alfred Schouten benoemd tot hoogleraar System Identification for Human Motion Control

Alfred Schouten is benoemd tot hoogleraar System Identification for Human Motion Control bij de afdeling BioMechanical Engineering. Voor zijn onderzoek richt Alfred Schouten zich op de ontwikkeling van methoden en applicaties voor het vaststellen en begrijpen van neuromusculaire controle.

25 augustus 2022

Laurie van de Weerd en Nick van de Berg in diverse media
