About BMechE
BioMechanical Engineering is a Research Department at the Delft University of Technology, located in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (ME). The Department of BioMechanical Engineering coordinates the Education and Research activities in the field of Mechanical Engineering techniques, like modeling and design, to analyze the interaction between biological and technical systems.
Mission: To understand, design and build technical systems that in their interaction with humans contribute to the Quality and Safety of life.
Vision: Future devices will be used in an increasingly interconnected and complex environment. Optimal and safe interaction of humans, technical systems and materials requires research at the crossroad of biology and mechanical engineering.
Organisational Structure

Schouten, prof. dr. ir. A.C. (Alfred)
Head of Department
- A.C.Schouten@tudelft.nl
Secretariaat BME
+31 (0)15 278 77 70
Room 34.E-1-220