People per job position People in alphabetic order Management Team Neelke Doorn Temporary Head of the VTI department Udo Pesch Section head Ethics / Philosophy of Technology Dr. Perla Marang-van de Mheen Section head Safety & Security Science Dr. R.M. (Robert) Verburg Section head Econo- mics of Technology & Innovation Nathalie van den Heuvel Department manager Full Professors Prof. Dr. Cees van Beers Full professor, section Economics of Technology & Innovation (ETI) Neelke Doorn Full professor, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Pieter van Gelder Full professor, section Safety & Security Science (3S) Prof. dr. Jop Groeneweg Full professor, section Safety & Security Science (3S) Prof.dr. Jeroen van den Hoven Full professor, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Ibo van de Poel Full professor, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Genserik Reniers Full professor, section Safety & Security Science (3S) Prof.dr. Sabine Roeser Full professor, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Behnam Taebi Full professor, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Affiliated Full Professors Prof.dr. M. (Marc) de Vries Affiliated full professor, section Ethics & Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Associate Professors Dr. Lotte Asveld Associate professor, section Ethics / Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Dr. Stefan Buijsman Assistant professor, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Dr. Aad Correljé Associate professor, section Economics of Technology & Innovation (ETI) Dr. Geerten van de Kaa Associate professor, section Economics of Technology & Innovation (ETI) Dr. Olya Kudina Assistant professor, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Dr. Perla Marang-van de Mheen Associate professor, section Safety & Security Science (3S) Dr. Roland Ortt Associate professor, section Economics of Technology & Innovation (ETI) Dr. Eleonora Papadimitriou Associate professor, section Safety & Security Science (3S) Dr. Udo Pesch Associate professor, section Ethics / Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Z. (Zenlin) Roosenboom-Kwee Associate professor, section Economics of Technology & Innovation (ETI) Clare Shelley-Egan Associate professor, section Ethics / Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Dr. Robert Verburg Associate professor, section Economics of Technology & Innovation (ETI) Dr. Pieter Vermaas Associate professor, section Ethics / Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Dr. Claudia Werker Associate professor, section Economics of Technology & Innovation (ETI) Dr. Sjoerd Zwart Associate professor, section Ethics / Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Assistant Professors Dr. Amir Pooyan Afghari Assistant professor, section Safety & Security Science (3S) Dr. Mandi Astola Assistant professor, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Dr. Ir. Rutger van Bergem Assistant professor, section Economics of Technology & Innovation (ETI) Britte Bouchaut Assistant professor, section Safety & Security Science (3S) Dr. Samantha Copeland Assistant professor, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Dr. Juan Durán Assistant professor, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Dr. Andrea Gammon Assistant professor, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Dr. Irene Grossmann Assistant professor, section Safety & Security Science (3S) Dr. Janna van Grunsven Assistant professor, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Dr. Frank Guldenmund Assistant professor, section Safety & Security Science (3S) Dr. James Hutton Assistant professor, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Dr. Michael Klenk Assistant professor, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Kritika Maheshwari Assistant professor, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Lavinia Marin Assistant professor, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Dr. Ro Naastepad Assistant professor, section Economics of Technology & Innovation (ETI) Dr. Gideon Ndubuisi Assistant professor, section Economics of Technology & Innovation (ETI) Dr. Karolien van Nunen Assistant professor, section Safety & Security Science (3S) Dr. Oscar Oviedo Trespalacios Assistant professor, section Safety & Security Science (3S) Dr. Nikos Pachos-Fokialis Assistant professor, section Economics of Technology & Innovation (ETI) Dr. Eugen Octav Popa Assistant professor, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Dr. Aleksandrina Ralcheva Assistant professor, section Economics of Technology & Innovation (ETI) Sander Renes PhD Assistant professor, section Economics of Technology & Innovation (ETI) Dr. Laurens Rook Assistant professor, section Economics of Technology & Innovation (ETI) Dr. M. Martin Sand Assistant professor, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Dr. Enno Schröder Assistant professor, section Economics of Technology & Innovation (ETI) Dr. Sander Smit Assistant professor, section Economics of Technology & Innovation (ETI) Dr. Steffen Steinert Assistant professor, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Dr. Servaas Storm Assistant professor, section Economics of Technology & Innovation (ETI) Roman Stöllinger Assistant professor, section Economics of Technology & Innovation (ETI) Giang Tran Assistant professor, section Economics of Technology & Innovation (ETI) Dr. Ming Yang Assistant professor, section Safety & Security Science (3S) Dr. Elena Ziliotti Assistant professor, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Lecturers Section Safety and Security Science Gijs Arnold Jaco Tresfon MSc Postdocs & other researchers Dr. Amna Chaudhry Postdoctoral researcher, section Safety & Security Science (3S) Dr. Aafke Fraaije Postdoctoral researcher, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Dr. Amir Hossein Kalantari Postdoctoral researcher, section Safety & Security Science (3S) Anna Melnyk Postdoctoral researcher, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Dr. Perica Jovchevski Postdoctoral researcher, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Dr. Giorgia Pozzi Postdoctoral Researcher, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Dr. Stephen Rainey Senior researcher, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Yue Shang Postdoctoral researcher, section Safety & Security Science (3S) Vladimir Sobota Postdoctoral Researcher, section Economics of Technology & Innovation (ETI) Ing. Martijn Wiarda MSc Postdoctoral researcher, section Economics of Technology & Innovation (ETI) Dr. Emad Yaghmaei Postdoctoral researcher, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Rioshar Yarveisy Postdoctoral researcher, section Safety & Security Science (3S) PhD Candidates Rustam Abubakirov PhD candidate, section Safety & Security Science (3S) Gizem Ayerdem PhD candidate, section Safety & Security Science (3S) Joost Alleblas PhD candidate, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Syafira Fitri Auliya PhD candidate, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) María Palacios Barea PhD candidate, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Muhammad Shah Bin Ab Rahim PhD candidate, section Safety & Security Science (3S) Aldy Gustinara Darwili PhD candidate, section Economics of Technology & Innovation (ETI) Ali Dizani PhD candidate, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Dimmy van Dongen MSc PhD candidate, section Safety & Security Science (3S) Mohammad Pashaee Gatabi PhD candidate, section Safety & Security Science (3S) Mohammad Pashaee Gatabi PhD candidate, section Safety & Security Science (3S) Filippo Grillo PhD candidate, section Economics of Technology & Innovation (ETI) Ajay Iyer PhD candidate, section Safety & Security Science (3S) Sander de Jong PhD candidate, section Economics of Technology & Innovation (ETI) Aashis Joshi Aashis Joshi is a PhD candidate in the Ethics and Philosophy of Technology and the Energy and Industry sections at the TPM faculty at TU Delft. In his research he uses agent-based modelling to explore the societal conditions and processes that are conducive to achieving resilient and just climate adaptations for differentially capable actors. Jelle Knibbe PhD candidate, section Safety & Security Science (3S) Thijs Latten MSc PhD candidate, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Sybolt Doorn MA MSc PhD candidate, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Nienke Luijcks MSc PhD candidate, section Safety & Security Science (3S) Samuela Marchiori PhD candidate, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Emma McAteer PhD candidate, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Karen Moesker MSc PhD candidate, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Joost Mollen MSc PhD candidate, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Aarón Moreno Inglés PhD candidate, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Dmitry Muravev PhD candidate, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Razie Nejabat MSc PhD candidate, section Economics of Technology & Innovation (ETI) Aspasia Papageorgiou Promovendus, section Economy of Technology Innovation (ETI) B. (Ben) Riemersma PhD candidate, section Economics of Technology & Innovation (ETI) Manjinder Singh PhD candidate, section Safety & Security Science (3S) Rongxin Song PhD candidate, section Safety & Security Science (3S) Joseph Sta. Maria PhD candidate, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Aishwarya Suresh Iyer PhD candidate, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Ryan Timms PhD candidate, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Sara Vermeulen PhD candidate, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Jordi Viader Guerrero PhD candidate, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Bauke Wielinga PhD candidate, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Yuanyuan Xu PhD candidate, section Safety & Security Science (3S) Jakko van Kampen PhD candidate, section Safety & Security Science (3S) Support staff Nathalie van den Heuvel Department coordinator Values, Technology & Innovation (VTI) Suzanne Kamp - van Rijnsoever Management assistant, section Economics of Technology & Innovation (ETI) Ivo Kostons Trainee Delft Design for Values Institute Lissy Mayer Management assistant, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Monika Polus Management assistant Values, Technology & Innovation (VTI) Monica Natanael Management assistant, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Nelleke van der Lee-Parlevliet Sophia Wessels Management assistant, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Guests Prof. dr. Ben Ale Professor emeritus section Safety & Security Science (3S) Ing. Louis Cleef Guest Researcher, section Safety & Security Science (3S) Maarten Franssen Guest researcher section Ethics / Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Prof. Dr. Marina van Geenhuizen Professor emeritus section Economics of Technology & Innovation (ETI) Prof.dr. Rolf Künneke Professor emeritus section Economics of Technology & Innovation (ETI) Jonne Maas PhD candidate, section Ethics/Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Barbara van Veen postdoctoral researcher, sectie Economie van Technologie Innovatie (ETI) Henk de Vries Guest researcher section Economics of Technology & Innovation (ETI) Mark Thomas Young Guest researcher section Ethics / Philosophy of Technology (EPT) Share this page: Facebook Linkedin Twitter Email WhatsApp Share this page