We do research on responsible innovation, more specifically into the themes of design for values, the management of responsible innovation and responsible risk management. In this research we use our expertise in the fields of economics, safety science and philosophy.
An innovation for which there is not enough public support, runs the risk of failing. The positive contribution that the innovation could have made to society is then lost. But it also happens that an innovation is pushed through despite a lack of public support, which sometimes means that valid concerns have been ignored.
How can we realize the potential benefits of innovations in a responsible way? That is the central question around which our research revolves.
Our research pays attention to important social and moral values during both the design and implementation phase, and to the institutions that embed and govern innovation. In our view, the value dimension and system perspective are both essential for the further development, social acceptance and moral acceptability of new technologies.
Meet our researchers
A multidisiplinary group of people working on responsible innovation
Stories of Science
TU Delft becomes WHO Collaborating Centre on AI healthcare governance

The TU Delft Digital Ethics Centre will advise the World Health Organization (WHO) on ethical aspects and laws and regulations surrounding…
Rik van Eijk bij Trouw over digitale media

Rik van Eijk, promovendus bij TU Delft en hogeschooldocent Jochem Kootstra roepen hun collega’s op nieuwe mediastudenten kritisch te laten…
Jop Groeneweg in Volkskrant over "Artsen keren zich tegen haantjesgedrag van artsen"

Zorgprofessionals zijn een opmerkelijke campagne begonnen tegen de uitwassen van de hiërarchische cultuur in de wereld van medisch…
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