Ans print & scan

Ans print & scan allows you to create your exam digitally in Ans, have it printed and scanned, review the exam online with your teaching team, and have students review their graded work online.

Why choose print & scan?

  1. Students can write & draw sketches, graphs, and calculations on paper. 
  2. You can grade paper exams online with multiple assessors in parallel, using shortcut keys. 
  3. You can give students online access to review their graded exams.
  4. You do not need to scan the exams and troubleshoot scanning issues yourself. 
  5. The exams are safely transported and distributed in sealed boxes. 
  6. Your exams are archived for you. 
  7. You can adjust the score for certain correct steps or errors during and/or after grading. You can use test result analysis to adjust grading.

Timeline / deadline for printing

The standard deadline for printing your exam is at the latest three working days before the exam day. We suggest meeting this deadline to be able to check your printed exam.  

  • Standard
    • Deadline(day): At the latest three working days before exam day
      • Deadline (time): Before midnight 12:00 AM
  • Quick
    • Deadline(day): At the latest two working days before exam day
      • Deadline (time): Before midnight 12:00 AM
  • Urgent

For urgent printing orders additional costs (express rate) are applicable. 

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7