Educational Tools Overview

There are several tools available at the TU Delft that you can use for your education, many of which integrate with Brightspace (TU Delft's Learning Management System). This page helps you to find a learning tool for a certain goal and information about those tools. The tools below are supported by Teaching & Learning Services of the TU Delft.

*Integrated in Brightspace

Remote teaching tools

Looking for tools to use for remote teaching? Find them in our remote teaching tools pageWe have also listed several tips and tricks that provide information on how to set up your online lectures and learning materials.

Other tools

Looking for a different educational tool? Visit our Educational Tool Advice overview for more information on Educational Tools. This overview includes tools that are not supported by Teaching & Learning Services. 

Please be aware of the privacy and security of tools. If you use non-supported tools, it is especially important to check how safe and secure the tool is via our Educational Tool Advice overview page.