Self-Composed Minor


During the first semester of the third year of your bachelor programme you will do a minor programme. A minor is a cohesive combination of courses of 30 EC.

  • TU minorsite, here you can also find EEMCS minors.
  • Do you want to compose a self-composed minor? Then read on.

Self-composed minor

Students of the EEMCS faculty can compose a self-composed minor that will be incorporated into the study programme after approval by the Board of Examiners of their study programme.

A self-composed minor consists of a cohesive combination of courses that may be followed at the Delft University of Technology, another Dutch university or at a foreign university. The combination of courses of the self-composed minor must, as a first step, be submitted for coherence and level verification to:

As a final step, the self-composed minor needs the approval of the subcommittee of the Board of Examiners of the respective study programme.

The submitted minor form (including a signature of the minor coordinator) will be processed in the next meeting of the Board of Examiners.
Students will be informed within 14 days after the meeting by the Board of Examiners whether their minor is approved.

The application form can be found here.

Individual self-composed minors should meet the following conditions:

  • The proposed courses should comprise at least 30 EC.
  • The proposed courses should form a coherent whole and should not have overlap with the major programme.
  • The proposed courses should be offered by a university.
  • The minor, as a whole, should reach third year BSc level.
  • Courses can only be part of a self-composed minor if these have been taken during the time of registry for the current study programme.
  • No MSc level courses are allowed to be part of the self-composedminor. An exception, to be decided by the Board of Examiners, can be made for minors composed of courses offered abroad, but only in case of an insufficient offer of English language BSc courses.
  • A request for an self-composed minor containing courses from an existing thematic minor may be denied by the Board of Examiners. Participation in thematic minors is only possible via the regular, central application procedure.
  • Students of the Computer Science & Engineering programme are not permitted to do an internship as part of the self-composed minor.
  • Students of the Computer Science & Engineering programme are not permitted to perform a freely composed minor, with the exception of: the minor abroad, a thematic minor at a Dutch university outside the LDE context, a minor consisting of a thematic minor of 15 EC with additional subjects, and the switching minor.
  • Students from outside the Computer Science & Engineering programme are not permitted to include Computer Science & Engineering subjects (including subjects from the Computer Science thematic minor) in their self-composed minor. Students may, however, take the full Computer Science thematic minor (see above).