Bridging programmes

Do you want to follow a WO master's degree after obtaining your HBO diploma? Or do you want to switch to a WO master's degree at the faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS) with a non-matching Dutch WO bachelor's degree? You will often have to follow a bridging programme for this. The steps you need to take before you can start a WO master's programme are described here.


For more information email


The first step is orientation, you can take the following actions for this:

  • Visit the master event to get an idea of the possibilities. Keep an eye on the website for the dates.
  • For general admission requirements, see the website. Also check on if you are eligible for a bridging program. If the master is not displayed at all, this means that you are not eligible for a bridging program.
  • For the content of the current bridging programs, you can look at the digital study guide. The programmes can change every year. (Click on program, choose the faculty, program type: bridging program and the desired program).
  • Bridging programmes from other universities do not provide access to our master's programmes.

Admission requirements and registration


  • For general admission requirements, see the website.
  • Check on if you are eligible for a bridging program. If the master is not displayed at all, this means that you are not eligible for a bridging program. 


Between May 1 and June 23, you can submit a request for registration via  Please mention:

  • Which bachelor's degree have you completed and at which institution.
  • For which bridging programme/master you wish to apply.
  • Attach a Transcript of Records from the program of your current study. Have you already taken subjects at TU Delft? Please also send a Transcript of Records for those.

Registration (after your application is approved)

To complete your registration, the following points are important.

If you have emailed your application request before June 23, you will receive the report form before July 1 when your request has been approved. We request that you return the signed form to  as soon as possible. You will also receive an explanation of how to register via Studielink. After receiving the form back, we will sign it and forward it to the Admission Department.

Official documents (proof of paid tuition fees; certified copies of results of e.g. mathematics & English) should be sent to

When all forms and certificates have been submitted and processed, your registration will be completed.

You can monitor the status of your registration via Studielink.

Register in time for the Mathematics B and English tests, for more information check this website. If applicable, you can check via whether you are eligible for an exemption.

Start of bridging programme

In Studielink you can check whether your registration is complete. When your registration is complete, you can start your bridging programme.

We will host a Bridging Kick-off meeting before the start of the academic year. You will receive an invitation to this meeting via email. During the meeting, information will be provided about the start of your bridging programme and you can ask all your questions.