Ir. Z. (Ziyulong) Wang
Ir. Z. (Ziyulong) Wang
Ziyulong Wang was born in Beijing, China. He received a BSc degree in traffic and transportation from Beijing Jiaotong University in 2018 and an MSc degree in civil engineering from Delft University of Technology in 2020, respectively. He is currently pursuing his PhD degree at The Digital Rail Traffic Lab (DRTL) at Delft University of Technology under the supervision of Prof.dr. R.M.P. (Rob) Goverde and Dr.ir. E. (Egidio) Quaglietta. He is devoted to improving the performance of Automatic Train Operation on mainline railway networks in close collaboration with the Dutch railway infrastructure manager ProRail. He has participated in many railway research projects, including Europe's Rail, RAILS, and NEO-simulator. His research interests include public transport, automatic train operation, railway traffic management, data analytics and applied network science. He is an associate member of the Institution of Railway Signal Engineers (IRSE) and a member of the International Association of Railway Operations Research (IAROR).
Conflict-free train path planning using ATO timing points
Ziyulong Wang / Egidio Quaglietta / Maarten Bartholomeus / Alex Cunillera / Rob Goverde
Promising solutions for railway operations to cope with future challenges — Tackling COVID and beyond
Ziyulong Wang / Joelle Aoun / Christopher Szymula / Nikola Bešinović
Quantification and comparison of hierarchy in Public Transport Networks
Ziyulong Wang / Ketong Huang / Renzo Massobrio / Alessandro Bombelli / Oded Cats
A literature review of Artificial Intelligence applications in railway systems
Ruifan Tang / Lorenzo De Donato / Nikola Bes̆inović / Francesco Flammini / Rob M.P. Goverde / Zhiyuan Lin / Ronghui Liu / Tianli Tang / Valeria Vittorini / Ziyulong Wang
Assessment of architectures for Automatic Train Operation driving functions
Ziyulong Wang / Egidio Quaglietta / Maarten G.P. Bartholomeus / Rob M.P. Goverde
Hewlett Fisher Bursaries
Hewlett Fisher Bursaries are awarded annually to enable IRSE early careers members to travel to the international Convention or ASPECT conference in the year. They are made through a bequest of the late Frank Hewlett (IRSE member) and a fund established in the memory of the late Alan Fisher, who died during his IRSE Presidential year. A number of bursaries are awarded each year and provide funding towards travel and accommodation.
Ancillary activities
2024-04-10 - 2026-04-10
2024-11-15 - 2026-11-15
2024-11-15 - 2026-10-01