Dr.ir. S. (Stavros) Kousoulas

Dr.ir. S. (Stavros) Kousoulas


Dr. ir. Stavros Kousoulas is assistant professor of Architecture Philosophy and Theory, and research coordinator at the Theories, Territories, Transitions section at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology. He studied architecture at the National Technical University of Athens and at TU Delft. He received his PhD cum laude from IUAV Venice. He is the executive editor of Footprint Delft Architecture Theory Journal and series editor of the Ecologies of Architecture TU Delft Open Book Series. He is the author of the monograph Architectural Technicities (Routledge, 2022) and the edited volumes Architectures of Life and Death (RLI, 2021), Design Commons (Springer, 2022), The Space of Technicity (TUD Open, 2024) and Noetics without a Mind (TUD Open, 2024).

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Research interests

Architecture Theory | Affect Theory | New Materialism | Technicity | Transdisciplinarity | Urban Pedagogies

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