Dr. S.H. (Hassan) Hossein Nia Kani
Dr. S.H. (Hassan) Hossein Nia Kani
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Hassan HosseinNia received his PhD degree with honors "cum laude" in electrical engineering specializing in automatic control: application in mechatronics, form the University of Extremadura, Spain in 2013. His main research interests are in precision mechatronic system design, precision motion control and mechatronic system with distributed actuation and sensing . He has an industrial background working at ABB, Sweden. He is currently associate professor at the department of precision and microsystem engineering at TU Delft, The Netherlands. Hassan (co-)authored over 100 publications in high-impact journals, conference proceedings, and book chapters. He was general chair of 7th IEEE international Conference in Control, mechatronics and Automation (ICCMA 2019). He is an IEEE senior member and editorial board of following four journals: "Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis", "Frontiers in Control Engineering", and "International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems (SAGE)".
- Open position, Reset Control for Nonlinear Positioning Systems and Drives
- Aditya Natu, Active Damping Control for Positioning Systems and Drives
- Endre Roneas, Zero heat dissipation and energy efficient electromagnetic actuators
- Luke Van Eijk, Frequency Domain Synthesis of Reset Control Systems
- Ali Hossein, Frequency Domain Stability Analysis of Reset Control Systems
- Sifeng He, Design and Control of third generation of flowerbed (co-advisor)
- Xinxin Zhang: Frequency Domain Analysis of Reset Control Systems in Closed Loop
- Marcin Kaczmarek: Control of Mechatronic Metamaterial for Dynamic Mode Suppression
- Open position, Design of Mechatronic Metamaterial for Dynamic Performance
- Open position, Zero heat dissipation and energy efficient electromagnetic actuators
- Niranjan Saikumar, Fractional order Reset Control for Precision Mechatronic System, 2016-2020
- Qi Wang, 3D Distributed actuator (Shared PD: Hans Goosen), 2017-2019
- Andres Hunt, Soft Material Actuator (Shared PD: Cohesion Project with BME), 2017-2020
- Nima Karbasizadeh, From PID to Complex order Control, 2023
- Ali Ahmadi, Frequency-domain analysis of Constant in gain Lead in phase (CgLp) reset compensators
- Ali Fayazi, Impedance control of flexible link robots with unknown contact points, (co-advisor), 2018.
- Milad Alizadeh, Zero delay nonlinear filter (co-advisor), 2020.
- Wan Hasbullah Mohd Isa, Self-sensing actuation for compliant mechatronics
- Chao Song, Design of Mechatronic Metamaterial For Dynamic Performance
Guests (PhDs and Profs):
- Reza Behinfaraz (PhD student, Iran), Sliding mode control for precision motion systems, Oct. 2019- April 2020.
- Ines Tejado (Assistant prof, Spain), Flexible micro-robot control, July 2019-Sep 2019
- Emiliano Perez (Assistant prof, Spain), Vision based control of micro-robot, July 2019-Sep 2019
- Duarte Valerio, (Assistant prof, Portugal), Complex order control, Sep 2018-March 2019.
- Milad Alizadeh (PhD student, Iran), Zero delay nonlinear filter, May 2017- July 2018.
- Abolhassan Razminia (Associate prof., Iran), Time optimal control, Sep 2016-April 2017.
- Precision Positioning Systems
- Precision Motion Control
- Electromagnetic Actuators
- Distributed actuation and sensing
- Reset Control Systems
- Fractional-Order Systems and Control
Committee and invited talks
- General Chair of 2019 The 7th International Conference on Control, Mechatronics and Automation, Delft, The Netherlands.
- Organizer of Workshop: Fractional Order Control from Practical Point of View, 2019.
- Keynote speaker, 5th and 6th International conference on Control, Mechatronics and Automation, Canada and Japan, 2017 and 2018.
- Publicity Chair, 5th International conference on Control, Mechatronics and Automation, Barcelona, Canada, 2017.
- Invited Speaker, Fractional Calculus Day, TUKE, Slovakia, 2017.
- Technical committee, 4th International conference on Control, Mechatronics and Automation, Barcelona, Spain, 2016.
- Organizer of invited session, “Fractional-order Systems and Control”, European Control Conference, Denemark, 2016.
- Invited speaker, International workshop on “The role of systems engineering in medical assist devices”, Ghent University, summer course, 2016.
- Technical committee, 3rd International conference on Control, Mechatronics and Automation, Barcelona, Spain, 2015.
- Invited Speaker, 3rd edition of the International Summer Course on Multivariable Control: Automotive applications, Ghent University, 2015.
- Technical committee, 2014 International Conference on Internet of Vehicles, China, 2014.
- Organizing committee, 4th IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and Its Application, Spain, 2010.
Granted as PI:
- Beat the heat: Zero heat dissipation and energy efficient electromagnetic actuators, NWO OTP, 868k€, 2022.
- Frequency Domain Nonlinear Precision Motion Control: From Theory to Practice in Semiconductor Bonding Equipment, ASM PT and NWO TKI grant, 475k€, 2022.
- MetaMech: Mechatronic MetaMaterials for Dynamic Mode Suppression, NWO HTSM Applied and Technical Science, 887k€, 2019.
- From PID to Complex Order Control (CLOC), NWO Applied and Technical Science, 633k€, 2018.
- Energy-efficient Switchable Magnet Actuators (ESMA), 3ME Cohesion Project (TU Delft), 60k€, 2017.
- Heart Assist Encasement, TU Delft Health Initiative + 3ME cohesion project, 85k€, 2017.
- Nonlinear Control of Precision Mechatronic System with Flexibility, 101k€, 2017.
- Self-sensing actuation of Ionic Polymer Metal Composite, (a PhD funded from Malaysian Ministry of Education), 150k€, 2016.
Granted as Co-PI:
- Fractional-order systems; analysis, synthesis and their importance for future design (FRACTAL), EU COST action, 2017.
- Controlled dosing of femto-litre volume liquids using hollow cantilevers, 3ME Cohesion Project (TU Delft), 72k€, 2017.
Past projects (as collaborator):
- Control of Flexible Robots Under External Force: Applications in Positioning Systems and Propulsion of Robots in Fluids, Spanish Ministry of Economics, 165k€, 2017.
- A New Distributed Actuation for Mechatronics: Fabrication of Multilayer IPMC, 3ME Cohesion Project (TU Delft), 65k€, 2017.
- Nonlinear Precision Control, TU Delft start up grant, 110k€, 2016.
- Enhanced Model Predictive Control, Funded by: ABB Corporate Research, Sweden, 2014
- Development of new techniques of fractional-order control in mechatronics: application to flexible arms, Funded by: Ministry of economics and competitiveness, 90K€, 2013-2016
- Network control and coordination of autonomous vehicles system using hybrid modeling, Ministry of science and innovation, 48K€, 2008-2011
- Application of multi-body dynamics techniques to the design of active Orthosis, Ministry of economics and competitiveness, 60K€, 2009-2012
Active Piezoelectric Metastructures
Relationship of Bandgap Formation With Unit Cell Number and Modal Behaviour
Marcin B. Kaczmarek / Vivek Gupta / S. Hassan HosseinNia -
Higher-Order Sinusoidal-Input Describing Function Analysis for a Class of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Convergent Systems
Luke F.van Eijk / Dragan Kostic / Mohammad Khosravi / S. Hassan HosseinNia
A Nonlinear Integrator Based on the First-Order Reset Element
Luke F. van Eijk / Yixuan Liu / Xinxin Zhang / Dragan Kostić / S. Hassan HosseinNia
A linear matrix inequality approach to optimal reset control design for a class of nonlinear systems
Majid Shahbazzadeh / S. Jalil Sadati / S. Hassan HosseinNia
Bandgap Dynamics in Locally Resonant Metastructures
A General Theory of Internal Resonator Coupling
Hossein Alimohammadi / Kristina Vassiljeva / S. Hassan HosseinNia / Eduard Petlenkov -
Ancillary activities
2025-01-01 - 2025-12-31
2024-01-01 - 2025-12-31