Dr.ir. R.E.F. (Ralph) Lindeboom MSc
Dr.ir. R.E.F. (Ralph) Lindeboom MSc
Expertise and Current activities
Currently he combines his experience from his former CTO position at SEMiLLA (2018-2022) with his scientific expertise on bio- and thermochemical conversions close to the thermodynamic limits, while infusing it with innovative frugal elements of system control engineering, microgrids, smart sensoring and big data analysis to develop Cyclic LOcal Sanitary engineering Solutions for Urban and Rural Environments (CLOSeSURE) and satisfy his innate curiosity. This translates into the following three research project domains:
- 1) Enabling access to water, food and health through waste(water)-driven (biogas and syngas) SOFCs in resource constraint settings
- 2) The development of innovative and advanced bio-thermochemical reactor concepts for resource-affluent communities (including, solar torrefaction, solar gasification and phototrophic purple bacteria)
- 3) Prediction of the biological or thermochemical origin of methane on Mars
Next to his scientific focus, he is heading the biochemical laboratory of the department of watermanagement and environmental engineering. And he is the responsible lecturer for the module ‘Water quality and principles of environmental engineering”.
Over the years Ralph’s unorthodox creative yet analytical mindset combined with his hands-on mentality enabled him to work on a wide range of leading edge ‘environmental engineering’ projects ranging from the largest parabolic solar cooking project in the world, to autogenerative 90 bar high pressure digestion for natural gas-like biogas production, to the first anammox (and other nitrogen cycle organisms) mission to Lower Earth Orbit on the Russian Foton-M4 satellite and a second nitrogen cycle organisms mission to the ISS. Next to that he employed and expanded his process and system engineering skills through the development of a futuristic bio-physicochemical pilot installation recovering hygienic water and nutrients from urine and shower water for long term manned Space missions in resource- affluent settings and the LOTUSHR (Home - Lotus HR) project targeting resource recovery from Barapullah drain water in resource-constraint settings.
Model predictive control of feed rate for stabilizing and enhancing biogas production in anaerobic digestion under meteorological fluctuations
Ali Moradvandi / Sjoerd Heegstra / Pamela Ceron-Chafla / Bart De Schutter / Edo Abraham / Ralph E.F. Lindeboom
An identification algorithm of switched Box-Jenkins systems in the presence of bounded disturbances
An approach for approximating complex biological wastewater treatment models
Ali Moradvandi / Edo Abraham / Abdelhak Goudjil / Bart De Schutter / Ralph E.F. Lindeboom -
Application of a simplified model for assessing particle removal in dissolved air flotation (DAF) systems
Experimental verification at laboratory and full-scale level
Antonella L. Piaggio / Geo Smith / Merle K. de Kreuk / Ralph E.F. Lindeboom -
High nitrite accumulation in hydrogenotrophic denitrification at low temperature
Transcriptional regulation and microbial community succession
Jianmin Zhou / Lei Ding / Changzheng Cui / Ralph E.F. Lindeboom -
Improving the Economic Feasibility of Small-Scale Biogas-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Energy Systems through a Local Ugandan Biochar Production Method
Henry Wasajja / Vipin Champatan / Rob Verhorst / Ralph E.F. Lindeboom / Jules B. van Lier / Purushothaman V. Aravind
Courses 2024
- Technolgie en Frugal…
- Technolgie en Frugal…
- Water Quality and Principles…
- Reactive Resources and…
- Chemical Conversions in…
- Environmental Biotechnology…
- Exploratory Research…
- Biomass Nutrients and Energy…
- Voorontwerp Q1
- Groepsrapportage
- Eindpresentatie
- Reflectieverslag
- Peer assessment
Courses 2023
Waterzuivering in India: een zaak voor de lokale gemeenschap
Appeared in: TU Delft: Stories of science
Op weg naar duurzame palmolie
Appeared in: TU Delft
Ancillary activities
2024-01-01 - 2025-12-31
Other services