Dr.ir. M. (Marcel) Tichem
Dr.ir. M. (Marcel) Tichem
- X.AL: next generation chip assembly processes.
Scientific project leader.
Large direct collaboration (6 PhD + 2 Postdoc) with Nexperia-ITEC.
Direct funding, RvO grant. - MECOMOS: mechanical metamaterials for compact motion systems.
Project leader.
Joint project with Prof. Dr. J.L. Herder and Dr. J.F.L. Goosen (TU Delft, PME).
Funding: NWO-TTW. - Dry Aerosol Direct Writing for Selective Nanoparticle Deposition.
Project leader.
Joint project with Dr. A. Accardo (TU Delft, PME).
TU Delft internal funding.
Marcel leads a research program on manufacturing at the small length-scale. His interests include micro-assembly, photonic alignment, self-assembly of discrete components and nanomaterials, and nanoparticle patterning. Among key results are micro-fabricated structures and MEMS functions to achieve high precision alignment in integrated photonic systems, and magnetic-driven self-alignment of ultra-thin chips for flexible electronic packages.
Currently, he focuses on volume scale-up of manufacturing for 3D, nano-enabled materials and devices, with key applications in micro-mechanical and multi-physics metamaterials and nanoparticle-based functionalities.
Marcel has been active in setting up collaborative research programs, both within the university (e.g. Delft Centre of Mechatronics and Microsystems, DCMM, 2003-2010) and with industrial stakeholders, amongst others as part of the Nano Engineering Research Initiative (NERI) which he led to establish. He is currently the scientific leader of a large collaborative research program with Nexperia-ITEC on new processes for massive chip assembly (2021 and onward). He was a Research Fellow, funded by an EU Marie Curie IEF grant, in the Optical and Semiconductor Devices Group, Imperial College, London, in 2011, to investigate volume methods for nano-particle patterning.
Research interests
micro and nano engineering and manufacturing
scale-up micro and nanomanufacturing
micro-mechanical metamaterials
photonic alignment
massive chip assembly
Fully inkjet-printed dielectric elastomer actuators
Giulio Gallucci / Yantong Wu / Marcel Tichem / Andres Hunt
Flow Ripple Reduction in Reciprocating Pumps by Multi-Phase Rectification
G. Özkayar / Z. Wang / J.C. Lötters / M. Tichem / M.K. Ghatkesar
Portable and integrated microfluidic flow control system using off-the-shelf components towards organs-on-chip applications
Haoyu Zhu / Gürhan Özkayar / Joost Lötters / Marcel Tichem / Murali Krishna Ghatkesar
Concept and design of a metastructure-based multi-stable surface
Yong Zhang / Marcel Tichem / Fred van Keulen
Process and nozzle design for high-resolution dry aerosol direct writing (dADW) of sub-100 nm nanoparticles
Saleh Aghajani / Angelo Accardo / Marcel Tichem
Ancillary activities
2024-01-05 - 2026-01-05
2024-09-04 - 2026-09-03