Dr. M.R. Vogt
Dr. M.R. Vogt
Malte Ruben Vogt studied physics at the Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany. In 2009 he received his bachelor degree investigating interferometers with polarizing optics in his thesis. He received his master degree investigating plasmonic nanoparticles for solar cells in his thesis and joined the simulation team at ISFH in 2011. Afterwards he focused on the optical characterization of solar cell module components and the simulation of optical and thermal behavior of PV modules in the field. In 2015 he finished his Dr. rer. nat. thesis titled, "Development of Physical Models for the Simulation of Optical Properties of Solar Cell Modules" at Leibniz University of Hannover.
As a PostDoc at ISFH, he investigated the impact of spectrally resolved albdeo on the yield of bifacial PV Modules. Afterwards, he created the www.daidalos-cloud.de web interface for ray tracing of PV modules as well as cells. Additionally he used this ray tracer to investigate cell to module losses and demonstrate how to improve PV module optics to the the point where a PV modules efficiency is higher than the efficiency of its' cells. He also coordinates the inter-laboratory IEC61853-3 comparison round focused on establishing a best practice implementation.
In March 2020, joined the Photovoltaic Materials and Devices group at TU Delft to lead their efforts in the Horizon 2020 project BobTandem.
Exploring the Potential of Perovskite/Perovskite/Silicon Triple-Junction Pv Modules in Two- and Four-Terminal Configuration
Youri Blom / Malte Ruben Vogt / Hisashi Uzu / Gensuke Koizumi / Kenji Yamamoto / Olindo Isabella / Rudi Santbergen
Optimization of the perovskite cell in a bifacial two-terminal perovskite/silicon tandem module
Youri Blom / Malte Ruben Vogt / Olindo Isabella / Rudi Santbergen
Future material demand for global silicon-based PV modules under net-zero emissions target until 2050
Chengjian Xu / Olindo Isabella / Malte Ruben Vogt
Life cycle assessment of roll-to-roll produced chemical vapor deposition graphene transparent electrodes towards copper foil recycling
Qingxiang Li / Malte Ruben Vogt / Haoxu Wang / Carol Monticelli / Alessandra Zanelli
Method for bandgap interpolation of perovskite's spectral complex refractive index
Youri Blom / Malte Ruben Vogt / Olindo Isabella
Courses 2024
Malte Vogt in de media 2024
Appeared in: TU Delft stories
Ancillary activities
2023-03-13 - 2025-04-01
Extraterritorial organisations