Prof.dr.ir. M. (Matthijs) Langelaar
Prof.dr.ir. M. (Matthijs) Langelaar
Matthijs Langelaar is Full Professor at Delft University of Technology, leading of the Computational Design and Mechanics research group. The focus of his research is to advance computational design techniques in particular for demanding high-tech applications, with a specific emphasis on topology optimization. He and his research team are currently intensively involved in the ongoing research effort to define design approaches for additive manufacturing.
He holds a PhD degree from Delft University of Technology and an MSc degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Twente. He has also worked at DLR (German Aerospace Center, Robotics Institute), University of Colorado at Boulder in the US, with Prof. Kurt Maute), at the Univeristy of Freiburg in Germany, with Prof. Jan Korvink) and at Seoul National University with Profs. Yoon Young Kim and Gil Ho Yoon, in Korea.
Comparison of ground-structure and continuum based topology optimization methods for strut-and-tie model generation
Yi Xia / Andrew Liew / Hongfei Wu / Matthijs Langelaar / Max A.N. Hendriks / Yuanlong Yang / Meisam Takalloozadeh / Matthew Gilbert
Diversity-Based Topology Optimization of Soft Robotic Grippers
Josh Pinskier / Xing Wang / Lois Liow / Yue Xie / Prabhat Kumar / Matthijs Langelaar / David Howard
Fluid jet access in topology optimization for cleanable parts
Reinier Giele / Can Ayas / Matthijs Langelaar
Reducing time and memory requirements in topology optimization of transient problems
M. J.B. Theulings / R. Maas / L. Noël / F. van Keulen / M. Langelaar
Topology optimization of smart structures with embedded piezoelectric stack actuators using a composite geometry projection method
Breno Vincenzo de Almeida / Renato Pavanello / Matthijs Langelaar
Courses 2024
Courses 2023
Researchers develop novel topology optimization technology for large-scale 3D printing
Appeared in: 3D Printing Industry
Lichtgewicht ‘vliegend tapijt’ maakt chipmachine van ASML nóg beter
Appeared in: Eindhovens Dagblad
Topologie-optimalisatie en 3d-printing brengen waferstage naar hoger plan
Appeared in: Mechatronica en Machinebouw
Terugblik op succesvolle HI Speedtrack: Topologie Optimalisatie
Appeared in: Holland Instrumentation
Beyond additive manufacturing— Generative design shapes for milling too
Appeared in: Design World
Ancillary activities
2024-10-01 - 2026-10-01
2023-11-23 - 2025-11-23
Consultancy / research and other