M. (Marko) Kapetanović
M. (Marko) Kapetanović
Marko Kapetanović is currently a Postdoc Researcher within the Department of Transport and Planning at Delft University of Technology. In partnership with Arriva Nederland, he is working on the development of methods for quantifying life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions from public transport and shared mobility services, and assessing potential measures for their reduction.
Marko received both his BSc degree in 2013 and MSc degree in 2014 in Railway Transport and Traffic Engineering from the University of Belgrade. After graduation, Marko worked as a Junior Researcher and a Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade, and as a Short Term Consultant at the World Bank. In 2018, he joined TU Delft to conduct his PhD research on improving environmental sustainability of regional railway services, under the supervision of Prof.Dr. Rob Goverde, Dr.ir. Niels van Oort and Dr.ir. Alfredo Núñez. Supported by Arriva Nederland, his PhD project focused on modelling and assessment of potential energy efficiency improvement and emissions reduction linked to the implementation of alternative propulsion systems and fuels in regional non-electrified railway networks.
Energy use and greenhouse gas emissions of traction alternatives for regional railways
Marko Kapetanović / Alfredo Núñez / Niels van Oort / Rob M.P. Goverde
Towards a Global Standard for Estimating Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Public Transport Services
Marko Kapetanović / Niels van Oort
Energy model of a fuel cell hybrid-electric regional train in passenger transport service and vehicle-to-grid applications
Marko Kapetanović / Alfredo Núñez / Niels van Oort / Rob M.P. Goverde
Vehicle-to-Grid Concept for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Hybrid-Electric Regional Trains
Marko Kapetanović / Alfredo Núñez / Niels van Oort / Rob M.P. Goverde
Potential solutions for decarbonizing regional rail transport in the Netherlands: Shifting to advanced powertrains and sustainable fuels
Appeared in: Global Railway Review
Student TU Delft ontwikkelt samen met Arriva CO2-barometer voor regionale treinen
Appeared in: Spoor Pro
Inzicht in verduurzaming regionaal spoor
Appeared in: OV-Magazine
How can railways phase out diesel from their operations?
Appeared in: RailTech Digital Magazine
IEEE ITSS Best Dissertation Award - 2024 Finalist
Best papers of RailBelgrade 2023: 10th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis (ICROMA)
RailBelgrade 2023 -
Best papers of RailBeijing 2021: 9th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis (ICROMA)
RailBeijing 2021