Prof.dr.ir. J. Hellendoorn
Prof.dr.ir. J. Hellendoorn
Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, alternative logics, Dempster-Shafer theory, Bayesian systems, fuzzy logic, fuzzy control, control theory, Model Predictive Control, risk analysis. innovation, business development.
Hans Hellendoorn studied computer science with specialization Artificial Intelligence at the TU Delft and received his PhD in fuzzy logic in 1990. Until 1997 he worked at Siemens Research in Munich where he led a research group on fuzzy control. From 1997 to 2008 he worked at Siemens in the Netherlands as head of the training simulation department and subsequently as innovation manager.
From 1999 to 2008 he was part-time professor for ‘Industrial applications of computational intelligence’, the first years at Electrical Engineering, from 2004 at Mechanical Engineering, TU Delft. Since 2008 he is full-time professor in control theory. Since 2011 he is Director of Education and of the Graduate School at the faculty 3mE, this faculty counts over 4,700 students and 300 PhDs. From 2012 to 2018 he was Chair of the Delft Center for Systems and Control, since April 2018 he is chair of the Cognitive Robotics department. His research area is ‘Multi-agent control of large-scale hybrid systems’.
Hans Hellendoorn is co-author of four scientific books and author and co-author of over 200 scientific publications. He organized several international workshops and conferences. He supervised some 100 MSc students and over 20 PhD students.Publications
Transforming Engineering Education in Learning Ecosystems for Resilient Engineers
R.G. Klaassen / J. Hellendoorn / R.H. Bossen
Reshaping The Bio Medical Curriculum To Include Socialisation And Subjectification
R. G. Klaassen / R.H. Bossen / C. Milano / H. J. Hellendoorn
Sequential Neural Network Model with Spatial-Temporal Attention Mechanism for Robust Lane Detection Using Multi Continuous Image Frames
Y. Dong / Sandeep Patil / H. Farah / J. Hellendoorn
Cross curricular Comparison of Professional Capabilities in Engineering Education
R.G. Klaassen / R.H. Bossen / P.H.J. Sies / J. Hellendoorn
Control of a Scaled Vehicle in and beyond Stable Limit Handling
Mart Baars / Hans Hellendoorn / Mohsen Alirezaei
Ancillary activities
2022-12-01 - 2026-12-31
Culture, sport and recreation