Prof.dr. F.C.T. van der Helm
Prof.dr. F.C.T. van der Helm
Compensating the Symptomatic Increase in Plantarflexion Torque and Mechanical Work for Dorsiflexion in Patients with Spastic Paresis Using the “Hermes” Ankle–Foot Orthosis
K.E. Rodriguez Hernandez / J.H. de Groot / Eveline R. M. Grootendorst-Heemskerk / Frank Baas / M. Stijntjes / S.K. Schiemanck / F.C.T. van der Helm / H. van der Kooij / W. Mugge
Effects of bench press technique variations on musculoskeletal shoulder loads and potential injury risk
L. Noteboom / I. Belli / Marco J.M. Hoozemans / A. Seth / H.E.J. Veeger / F.C.T. van der Helm
Instrumented assessment of lower and upper motor neuron signs in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis using robotic manipulation
an explorative study
D. J.L. Stikvoort García / B. T.H.M. Sleutjes / W. Mugge / J. J. Plouvier / H. S. Goedee / A. C. Schouten / F. C.T. van der Helm / L. H. van den Berg -
A Muscle Load Feedback Application for Strength Training
A Proof-of-Concept Study
L. Noteboom / Anouk Nijs / Peter J. Beek / F.C.T. van der Helm / Marco J.M. Hoozemans -
Ankle-Foot-Orthosis “Hermes” Compensates Pathological Ankle Stiffness of Chronic Stroke—A Proof of Concept
Karen E. Rodriguez Hernandez / Jurriaan H. De Groot / Frank Baas / Marjon Stijntjes / Eveline R.M. Grootendorst-Heemskerk / Sven K. Schiemanck / Frans C.T. Van der Helm / Herman Van der Kooij / Winfred Mugge
Ancillary activities
2024-11-22 - 2026-11-22