D.P. (David) Peck PhD
D.P. (David) Peck PhD
Associate Professor, critical materials and product design, TU Delft, The Netherlands
The research and teaching is both multi-faculty and across universities. David joined the Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment (BK) from Industrial Design Engineering, on 1 August 2016 having worked for many years in the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering.
The activities in his BK work includes 21st century sustainability challenges, resource constraints, critical raw materials, circular cities - business, innovation, scarcity history, companies and critical materials, governmental (EU member state and EU) policy towards resources and new closed loop business models.
David teaches on the opportunities and challenges regarding circular innovation and circular business models. Research has a focus on the opportunities arising from critical (scarce) materials and circular business solutions in the international urban context. David is the university lead for the Ellen MacArthur Pioneer University membership.
David is a manager of large EU projects. He was the principal investigator in EU 1 FP7 (CRM Innonet) and 2 H2020 projects (ERN - remanufacturing & ProSUM - Urban Mine). Current H2020 is called Pop-Machina. New teaching approaches include the development of an EdX MOOC on circular CRM, entitled SusCritMat. David is involved for TU Delft in the EIT Raw Materials programme. He has a focus on the circular business models, remanufacturing and critical materials in this programme.
Honorary Associate Professor, The Bartlett, UCL, UK
David works part-time, ad-hoc in the BSEER team of the Bartlett on parallel topics to his TU Delft BK work. CRM, Circular Campus and materials in the CBE context are the focus.
Adjunct Professor, Politecnico di Milano, MIP Graduate School of Business, Milan, Italy
Part-time, ad hoc, at MIP on MBA programme: circular economy. This course is supported by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation for a circular economy.
Academic background
David Peck is an Associate Professor in the faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment (BK) with a focus on Circular Built Environment. David works in the Architectural Engineering and Technology Department, in the section Climate Design and Sustainability. He joined Architecture from his academic role in TU Delft faculty Industrial Design Engineering. Based on work from numerous EU funded research projects, current linear economy approaches mean that the security of resources will become increasingly constrained. David’s research proposes a circular approach to business, design and development in cities, via the Circular Built Environment hub. David is a TU Delft lead for the pioneer university status with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation for a circular economy.
David is Honorary Associate Professor, BSEER, The Bartlett, University College London and an adjunct Professor at MIP Politecnico di Milano Graduate School of Business. Both of these part time, ad hoc positions.
He is the TU Delft lead in a Horizons 2020 project, ProSUM - Prospecting Secondary raw materials (critical materials) in the Urban Mine and mining waste and the recently completed H2020 project ERN – European Remanufacturing Network. David leads projects in the EU KIC EIT Raw Materials (sustainable exploration, extraction, processing, recycling and substitution). More recently the EU funded H2020 Pop Machina (circular cities) started in June 2019.
Transforming Circular Economy Thinking Using the Forest as a Metaphor
Emma H. E. Fromberg / Conny A. Bakker / David Peck
David Peck
Conceptualising the technosphere of a circular economy through a living systems metaphor
E.H.E. Fromberg / David Peck / C.A. Bakker / Ken Webster
Circular economy through the lens of the forest metaphor – a teaching and learning perspective
Emma H.E. Fromberg / Conny A. Bakker / Joshua Entsminger / Chris Grantham / Adam Lusby / David Peck / Ken Webster
Circularity for Educators
Alex Wandl / T. Klein / C. Furlan / C.M. Hein / Stavros Kousoulas / A. Radman / J.W.F. Wamelink / A. Meijer / A.A.J.F. van den Dobbelsteen / T. Konstantinou / A.C. Boerstra / C.E.L. Newton / David Peck / E. Maghsoudi Nia / E. Migoni Alejandre / Ellen van Bueren / F.E. Bucci Ancapi / J.F. Azcarate Aguerre / M.F.M. van Uden / M.J. Smit / Nico Tillie / M.B. Hamida / N.L. Bohm / V.H. Gruis / Nina Boorsma / T. Egger / S. Brancart / Torsten Schroeder / M. Zabek / L. Ding / K.B.J. Van den Berghe / A. Aghaee / M.F. Asselbergs / A. Batallé Garcia / A.J. Jenkins
Critical Raw Materials 2024
Appeared in: Innovation Origins
Kritieke grondstoffen
Appeared in: TU Delft
TU Delft zet in op batterij van de toekomst
Appeared in: TU Delft
Ancillary activities
2023-10-13 - 2026-12-24