Ing. C. (Kees) Kwakernaak
Ing. C. (Kees) Kwakernaak
Modelling the evolution of microstructural bands in a martensite/austenite Q&P-processed stainless steel
Gaojie Li / Konstantina Traka / Kees Kwarkernaak / Yaiza Gonzalez-Garcia / Maria J. Santofimia
Microstructure development of quenching and partitioning-processed martensitic stainless steels with different manganese content
Gaojie Li / Cees Kwakernaak / Ali Smith / Marta Muratori / Yaiza Gonzalez-Garcia / Maria J. Santofimia
Effect of the heat treatment on the microstructure, magnetism and magnetocaloric effect in Fe-rich (Mn,Fe)y(P,Si) melt-spun ribbons
A. Kiecana / C. Kwakernaak / N. H. van Dijk / E. Brück
Mo(AlxSi1−x)2 healing particles for high temperature ceramics and encapsulation by selective oxidation of aluminium
Zhaoying Ding / Johannes C. Brouwer / Cees Kwakernaak / Jia Ning Zhu / Vera Popovich / Marcel J.M. Hermans / Willem G. Sloof
Selective oxidation of aluminium in Mo(Al,Si)2
Zhaoying Ding / Johannes C. Brouwer / Cees Kwakernaak / Marcel J.M. Hermans / Vera Popovich / Willem J. Quadakkers / Willem G. Sloof