A. Petrović
A. Petrović
I am an Urban Geographer, focussing on sociospatial inequalities, segregation, and spatial context effects – how neighbourhoods, cities and regions influence individual life course outcomes. I analyse large and complex population data using large-scale computing infrastructures to contribute knowledge leading to better urban design and social policies. My main aim is to enhance the quality of life in urban environments.
I teach at both bachelor and master levels, in English and Dutch, including two master programmes – Urbanism and Geomatics. I also supervise master and PhD students.
Changes in commuting mode and the relationship with psychological stress
A quasi-longitudinal analysis in urbanizing China
Yinhua Tao / Maarten van Ham / Ana Petrović -
The evolution of compounding residential inequalities
A multiscale analysis of neighbourhood change trajectories in Amsterdam
I.A. Urria Yáñez / A. Petrović / M. van Ham / D.J. Manley -
The neighbourhood
Where Wilson, Schelling and Hägerstrand meet
Ana Petrović / Maarten van Ham / David Manley -
A household perspective on the commuting paradox
Longitudinal relationships between commuting time and subjective wellbeing for couples in China
Yinhua Tao / Maarten van Ham / Ana Petrović / Na Ta -
Multiscale Measures of Population
A. Petrović / M. van Ham / D.J. Manley
Courses 2024
Courses 2023
ODISSEI Secure Supercomputer (OSSC) pilot
Appeared in: SURF Nieuws
Ana Petrović Receives PhD Cum Laude
Appeared in: ODDISEI News
Analyse van 3,4 miljard datapunten
Appeared in: E-Data & Research, jrg. 14, nr. 2, p. 1
Effects of spatial contextual characteristics on personal income
Appeared in: ODISSEI
Ancillary activities
2024-02-01 - 2026-02-01