Dr. A. (Arjen) Meijer
Dr. A. (Arjen) Meijer
Arjen Meijer is senior researcher Sustainable and Healthy Housing. As Environmental Scientist, he has expertise in life cycle assessment (LCA) of building materials and of buildings, and in the indoor environment of dwellings. In his PhD research, he combined these two fields by developing a methodology to include exposure to emissions from building materials in the LCA of dwellings.
At Delft University of Technology, in the department OTB - Research for the Built Environment of the faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, he carries out research and projects in the field of sustainability of building materials and of buildings, measurements and analysis of energy consumption, comfort and indoor climate in dwellings, analysis of health problems as a result of the indoor climate in dwellings, and measuring the effects of stimulation of behaviour change regarding energy consumption by residents. He also gives lectures about LCA and indoor climate, and supervises PhD and master students.
Bayesian network-based fault detection and diagnosis of heating components in heat recovery ventilation
Ziao Wang / Chujie Lu / Arie Taal / Srinivasan Gopalan / Karzan Mohammed / Arjen Meijer / Laure Itard
Downsizing and the use of timber as embodied carbon reduction strategies for new-build housing
A partial life cycle assessment
Cynthia Souaid / Pieter Nick ten Caat / Arjen Meijer / Henk Visscher -
Circularity for Educators
Alex Wandl / T. Klein / C. Furlan / C.M. Hein / Stavros Kousoulas / A. Radman / J.W.F. Wamelink / A. Meijer / A.A.J.F. van den Dobbelsteen / T. Konstantinou / A.C. Boerstra / C.E.L. Newton / David Peck / E. Maghsoudi Nia / E. Migoni Alejandre / Ellen van Bueren / F.E. Bucci Ancapi / J.F. Azcarate Aguerre / M.F.M. van Uden / M.J. Smit / Nico Tillie / M.B. Hamida / N.L. Bohm / V.H. Gruis / Nina Boorsma / T. Egger / S. Brancart / Torsten Schroeder / M. Zabek / L. Ding / K.B.J. Van den Berghe / A. Aghaee / M.F. Asselbergs / A. Batallé Garcia / A.J. Jenkins
4S3F Diagnostic Bayesian Network method
discussion about application and technical design
Z. Wang / A. Meijer / L.C.M. Itard -
Benchmarking energy performance
indicators and models for Dutch housing associations
Herman S. VAN DER BENT / Arjen Meijer / Henk J. Visscher / Niek Mouter -
Courses 2024
Courses 2023
Energiecoach is blijvertje: Interview door Fred van der Molen
Niet wachten tot de energierekening onbetaalbaar wordt
Energiebesparend renoveren kan belastend zijn voor het milieu
Ancillary activities
2023-09-06 - 2025-09-06