Dr. A. (Alberto) Martín Pérez
Dr. A. (Alberto) Martín Pérez
Alberto Martín Pérez is PhD in applied physics and since September 2024 works at the Dynamics of Micro and Nanosystems group (Department of Precision and Microsystems Engineering) as Marie Curie researcher . His scientific career has been devoted to the developement of novel techniques for the detection and characterization of different microbiological entities by means of measuring their physical properties.
Scientific Projects Lead
- [2024-2026] Protein Phototermal Optomechanical Analyzer (PROPHOTOM - 101104522). Project funded by the European Research Executive Agency with 187,624.32 € within the program Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions.
Awards and distinctions
- [2022] Most relevant PhD thesis done at the Spanish National Research Council
Previous Positions
- [2023-2024] Researcher at Politechnic University of Turin (Italy)
- [2021-2023] Postdoctoral researcher at Materials Science Insitute of Madrid (ICMM-CSIC, Spain)
- [2016-2021] PhD Candidate at the Institute of Micro and Nanotechnology (IMN-CSIC, Spain)
Ancillary activities
2024-09-01 - 2026-08-31