Dr. A. (Andres) Hunt
Dr. A. (Andres) Hunt
Dr. Andres Hunt is an Assistant Professor in the department of Precision and Microsystems Engineering, developing technologies to functionalize materials and systems.
Dr. Hunt received a MSc in Applied Physics, and a PhD in Computer and Systems Engineering. After PhD studies (2017) he joined the Delft University of Technology as a postdoctoral researcher in the Mechatronic System Design group, Department of Precision and Microsystems Engineering. Since 2020, he continued as an Assistant Professor in the Micro and Nano Engineering group of the same department.
His research investigates embedding actuation, sensing and smart functionalities into the otherwise passive materials, structures, mechanisms and devices. It entails developing: (1) technologies to create high-performance and versatile actuators; (2) multi-material additive manufacturing methods to realize embedded functionalities; (3) materials that funciton as mechatronic systems or sub-systems; and (4) their utilization.
Acoustic stack for combined intravascular ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging
Antonio López-Marín / Verya Daeichin / Andres Hunt / Geert Springeling / Robert Beurskens / Antonius F.W. Van Der Steen / Gijs Van Soest
Smart Force Sensing in Robot Surgery Utilising the Back Electromotive Force
S.N.S. Chabot / K. Schouten / Bart van Straten / Stefano Pomati / A. Hunt / J. Dankelman / T. Horeman
An airbrush 3D printer
Additive manufacturing of relaxor ferroelectric actuators
Stijn IJssel de Schepper / Andres Hunt -
Design and manufacturing of high-strain P(VDF-TrFE-CTFE) actuators
Giulio Gallucci / Victor Jaarsma / Andres Hunt
Fully inkjet-printed dielectric elastomer actuators
Giulio Gallucci / Yantong Wu / Marcel Tichem / Andres Hunt
3ME Cohesion Grant