Dr. A. (Alejandro) Campos Uribe
Dr. A. (Alejandro) Campos Uribe
Dr. Alejandro Campos is a Lecturer and Researcher at the Dept. of Architecture, TU Delft, specialising in postwar Modern Architecture and the colonial dynamics behind its universalising claims. Between 2021-2023, he worked as a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellow at TU Delft and Research Associate at the Research Center for Material Culture (Netherlands), where he developed the EU-funded research project ‘Multiculturalism in the work of Aldo and Hannie van Eyck’. He is also a Research Affiliate at Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam.
Alejandro studied Architecture in TU Valencia (2007-2013) and defended his Ph.D., Aldo van Eyck: Le Musée Imaginaire, in 2018. In recent years, he has been an Invited Lecturer at Escuela de Arquitectura FAD, Universidad Finis Terrae (Chile, 2021-2022), Postdoctoral Researcher of Emergent Design Methodologies at the Department of Architecture, Aalto University (Finland, 2018-2019), and Predoctoral and Teaching Fellow at the Department of Architecture, TU Valencia (Spain, 2015-2018). He has taught Design Studios, Theory and History of Architecture, and given lectures at different universities in Spain, UK, Netherlands, Switzerland, and Finland.
Alejandro has received several Research and Academic Prizes such as the SAH Opler Membership Grant for Emerging Scholars and Professionals (2022), the Biannual Prize for Doctoral Dissertations in the field of Architectural History (Asociación de historiadores de la Arquitectura y el Urbanismo, 2021), the Seal of Excellence Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (European Commission, 2019), and the First Prize at the II Research Awards at the XIV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism (Spanish Ministry of Development, 2018). He has published numerous articles and chapters in scientific peer-reviewed journals and has presented his work at several international conferences, and he is an editorial board member of Revue de Recherches sur Le Corbusier. In 2021, Alejandro edited and translated The Child, the City and the Artist by Aldo van Eyck to Spanish (2021), and is currently preparing the publication of his Doctoral Dissertation. He was member of the organising committee of the international conference “The Observers Observed: Architectural Uses of Ethnography” (Delft and Rotterdam, 24-25 November 2021), as well as “Architectural Archives of the Future” (Delft and Rotterdam, 22-23 November 2023). In 2022, he organised the seminar ‘From Multicultural to Pluriversal. Rethinking Universalist Notions in Modern Architecture’ at Leiden Volkenkunde (Ethnographic Museum). He also participated in the summer school ‘Learning to Unlearn Decolonially - Disobeying, Delinking and Relinking’ by University College Utrecht.
Inhabiting Whiteness
On Architecture, Collecting, and the Everyday
Alejandro Campos Uribe -
Built Homecoming
The house of Aldo and Hannie van Eyck
A. Campos Uribe / D. van den Heuvel -
Entre o mito e a bricolagem
A relação de Aldo van Eyck e Lina Bo Bardi com outras culturas do mundo
A. Campos Uribe -
Female Agency in the British Ministry of Education
Mary Medd's Contribution to School Design (1949-1972)
P. Lacomba Montes / A. Campos Uribe -
Staying with Modernity?
(Dis)Entangling Coloniality and Architecture
Courses 2024
Courses 2023
Interview by the Jaap Bakema Study Centre
"Cómo dibujar la casa de Aldo van Eyck" in Plataforma Arquitectura
Appeared in: Plataforma Arquitectura
SAH Opler Membership Grant for Emerging Scholars and Professionals
SAH Membership Grants provide emerging scholars with a one-year digital SAH Individual membership to bridge the gap between the Society's subsidized student memberships and the full-cost SAH memberships. These awards are intended for emerging scholars, regardless of age or employment status, who are new to the field of architectural history or its related disciplines. These grants are funded by the Society of Architectural Historians' Scott Opler Endowment for New Scholars.
Biannual Prize for Doctoral Dissertations in the field of Architectural History
H2020 - MSCA-IF-2019. Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship
MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships enhance the creative and innovative potential of researchers holding a PhD and who wish to acquire new skills through advanced training, international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral mobility. MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships will be open to excellent researchers of any nationality.
Jury Mention at the Simon Architecture Prize 2018
First Prize at the II Research Awards of the XIV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism
Ancillary activities
2023-09-01 - 2025-08-29
Culture, sport and recreation