Since September 2022, NOC*NSF and TU Delft have joined forces for a sustainable continuation of the collaboration between the two organizations. The university and the sports association have been working together in the field of innovation for some time. This collaboration will be continued in the coming years and further developed where possible. TeamNL continuously strives for performance improvement. This requires creativity and innovation. Thanks to the collaboration with the TU Delft Sports Engineering Institute, NOC*NSF can really bring science to the sports world. This has already resulted in many concrete innovations for TeamNL. And the great thing is that top sports innovations will eventually also find their way into recreational sports and society. In this way, together we make the Netherlands stronger with the power of top sport. That is exactly the goal of the more intensive cooperation. TU Delft's mission is to contribute to the challenges facing our society. Sport shows how we can make society better with technology.

TU Delft Sports Engineering Institute is a Certified Partner of SportInnovator. SportInnovator is The Netherlands’ leading sports innovation network and aims to increase the effectiveness of sports innovations and contribute to a more vital society. In a nationwide network of about 20 SportInnovator centres, sport organisations, the business community, knowledge institutions and government bodies work together on groundbreaking innovations that increase sports participation, enhance performance in top and recreational sports and also encourage people to adopt a more active lifestyle. Data analytics platform Sport Data Valley contributes to these goals as well. Sportinnovator is an initiative of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport and is supported by ZonMw.

European Platform for Sports and Innovation
European Platform for Sports and Innovation (EPSI) is an international non-profit organization representing a network of sport-related private and public members from all over Europe, fostering innovation in sports through fundraising, business creation and lobbying. TU Delft has been a member of the EPSI network for many years, which ensures several valuable connections in Europe with foreign universities, companies and the political playing field in Brussels.

International Sports Engineering Association
The International Sports Engineering Association (ISEA) is well into its second decade of existence. During the early years, the field of sports engineering worked hard to define itself as a recognized academic discipline as well as professional field in the sports industry. Today, the field is largely recognized as a distinct discipline of engineering as evidenced by annual international conferences, numerous regional and technical specific conferences, and four distinct journals.
The International Sports Engineering Association serves the rapidly growing community of sports engineering academics and practitioners by promoting the field of sports engineering through information sharing between members, the publication of the journal Sports Engineering, the production of the biannual conference, The Engineering of Sport, and support of the biannual conference the Asia-Pacific Conference on Sports Technology.