Dr. A. (Achilleas) Psyllidis
Dr. A. (Achilleas) Psyllidis
Achilleas Psyllidis is an Assistant Professor of Urban Mobility and the Director of the Urban Analytics Lab at Delft University of Technology. He also leads the Social Urban Data Lab at Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions and is an LDE Centre for BOLD Cities affiliate. His research explores the interplay between land use, human perception, and the design of built environments, focusing on their impact on active mobility behaviour and accessibility for diverse populations. He has developed novel methods for analysing human mobility and accessibility and (co-)leads numerous projects on sustainable urban mobility, environmental exposures, and well-being. His research is funded by the EU, NWO, KNAW, SSHRC Canada, and FAPESP Brazil. He is a member of TU Delft's Transport & Mobility Institute and the Mobility Futures Vision Team. He serves on the Executive Board of Computational Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM).
Research interests
- Accessibility Measurements
- Sustainable Urban Mobility
- Land-use and Transport Interaction
- Pedestrian Accessibility Analysis
- Walkability
- Urban Analytics
- X-minute Cities and Neighborhoods
- Healthy Cities
- Urban Form and Environmental Exposures
Academic background
Before joining the Department of Sustainable Design Engineering, he held a postdoctoral position in Urban Data Science within the Web Information Systems group at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science, TU Delft.
He holds an Engineering Diploma (Summa Cum Laude) in Architectural Engineering with a focus on urban planning and a Master of Science degree (Summa Cum Laude, Highest GPA) in Spatial Planning from the National Technical University of Athens. He earned his PhD in Spatial Data Science from TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment. During his doctoral studies, he was affiliated with the Joint Research Center for Spatial Information between TU Delft and Wuhan University, as well as the Joint Research Center for Urban Systems and Environment between TU Delft and South China University of Technology.
He is a scholar of the Onassis Foundation, the European Union Social Fund, the Greek State Scholarships Foundation, the Foundation for Education and European Culture, and the A.G. Leventis Foundation.
A comprehensive GPS-based analysis of activity spaces in early and late pregnancy using the ActMAP framework
Karl Samuelsson / Ioar Rivas / Bruno Raimbault / Alan Domínguez / Toni Galmés / Antònia Valentin / Maria Foraster / Achilleas Psyllidis / Payam Dadvand / More Authors
Mobility Futures
Four scenarios for the Dutch mobility system in 2050
B. Atasoy / Holger Caesar / Joost Ellerbroek / S. Hiemstra-van Mastrigt / M.Y. Maknoon / N. van Oort / A. Psyllidis / S.C. van der Spek / M. Snelder / M. Triggianese / Wijnand Veeneman / Roelof Vos / S.P. Hoogendoorn / S. Hoogendoorn-Lanser / Deborah Nas / N. van Nes / K. Spoor / M.P. Swarte -
Bridging or separating?
Co-accessibility as a measure of potential place-based encounters
V. Milias / A. Psyllidis / A. Bozzon -
Children’s access to urban greenspace
a survey of factors and measures
Roos Teeuwen / Alessandro Bozzon / Achilleas Psyllidis -
Crowdsourcing the influence of physical features on the likely use of public open spaces
Vasileios Milias / Roos Teeuwen / Alessandro Bozzon / Achilleas Psyllidis
Navigating the 15-minute City: First learnings and discussions from the Driving Urban Transitions partnership
Kinderen in de openbare ruimte: Urban Analytics Lab biedt inzicht in knelpunten leefomgeving
Appeared in: Onze Jeugd: Nieuws en advies voor onderwijs, gemeenten en jeugdwerk
CTwalk Map: Best Demo Award
CTwalk Map is an interactive web tool that unveils the potential of social encounters and access inequities in urban neighborhoods by leveraging open-access data. Drawing on information from various open sources, including population, location, and pedestrian network data, the tool estimates the number of individuals across different age groups who can reach city destinations within a 5 or 15-minute walk, highlighting opportunities for social cohesion and disparities in access.
ICT.Open 2024 -
ROUTE - Route Ontology of Urban Transportation Entities
Ancillary activities
2024-05-17 - 2025-12-31
2024-05-22 - 2026-05-22
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