As a world leader in the design and delivery of continuing education for specialists and managers with engineering backgrounds, we are able to offer best-in-class courses and programs also thanks to our close relationships with societal partners.
Our offering fosters success in the workplace, in the participants’ professional careers and on the impact their organisations have on society. Our relationship, network and collaboration with partners in engineering practices in industry, consultancy, government and other public areas help us to deliver relevant knowledge and skills in formats that best suits the learner. Through such partnerships, our courses and programs can provide lessons that are tightly connected to the practices and issues professionals face in their work.
Various forms of collaboration
There are a number of opportunities for external partners who wish to be involved and work with us. They range from:
contributing content, such as case-studies and ‘voices from the field’ – for example by Trina Solar and Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy S/A; to
co-developing courses and programs – as with the Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence Academy (ICAI) for our program AI in Practice.
Additionally, several prestigious companies have chosen to offer our online education to their employees for staff training and development, and have publicly endorsed our portfolio – amongst others, ABB, Bosch, Philips, Royal HaskoningDHV TNO and Velux. Such commendations further support the wide recognition of the value and quality of our teaching.
Find out more about specific benefits for business and organisations, including the possibility of group discounts.
Over 50 Coty employees participated in the online course Sustainable Packaging in a Circular Economy. This gave our teams an increased understanding of sustainability and how it can be further applied to our business. Through this course, our employees can contribute with heightened confidence to discussions on sustainable packaging.
Vincent Delavenne,
Vice President Packaging, Coty Luxury
Real-life cases
To support even more this fundamental link between academic theory and practical applicability, learners can often bring their own challenges to class and learn to use new knowledge and skills to deal with them. This is the learner-centred approach to teaching that characterises all our educational products.
To design the very best courses and programs, we also take part in (learning) communities of practitioners. In this, we focus on six themes that combine TU Delft’s excellence with today’s needs for professional knowledge and skills for a better world.
We would love to hear from you if you wish to become part of our community and contribute to tuning the Extension School's portfolio to the needs of our learners. Read more about our focus themes and contact us for more information. To explore the benefits to organisations, visit our B2B pages.
Disclaimer: please note, we do not reply to commercial enquiries.