Call for Proposals

Are you a TU Delft lecturer interested in lifelong learning and sharing your expertise more widely with the world?
Join the over 400 TU Delft lecturers who have designed and delivered great online continuing education. You are invited to submit a proposal for a new course or short program. Your Faculty Coordinator is happy to discuss your ideas and to collaborate on a new proposal.


Process overview and key steps

Application and criteria

To facilitate bringing your ideas to fruition faster, you can submit a proposal for the development of a online course or program at any time. The selection process consists of four steps, starting with a pre-proposal phase. This approach aims to give early support to lecturers. The pre-proposal covers the subject of your course; the full proposal focuses on the potential learner base, on the learners’ needs, and on comparable education offered elsewhere.

The Extension School Education Management Team needs to approve all relevant proposals, including those cases where no grant is requested because a course is (partially) externally funded (e.g. as part of research project, or supported by a company, consortium or other organisation).

Steps 1 and 2: Pre-proposal

  • Please consult and involve your Faculty Coordinator.
  • Refer to the Guidance document and collaborate with them to complete the pre-proposal section in the application form.
    Application for new course | Form to improve re-run
  • Review Annex 1 for the required set of criteria for all proposals.
  • After alignment with faculty management, your faculty coordinator will submit the (pre) proposal to the Extension School Education Management Team, who will review it and provide feedback.

Steps 3 and 4: Full proposal  

  • Receive feedback from the Extension School Education Management Team and collaborate with your Faculty Coordinator to complete the full proposal section in the Submission Form.
  • Your Faculty Coordinator submits the full proposal and the Extension School Education Management Team reviews it for approval, or offers further comments.
  • Following approval, you will receive an official granting letter including feedback and conditions.
  • Review Annex 2 for the support available by course/program type.
  • The grant will be transferred to your faculty’s financial code and your course team can use it as desired, as long as it contributes to developing a high-quality course/ program that is delivered on time and according to the schedule specified in the Terms & Conditions.

With approval, your proposal is granted the following support by the Extension School:

  • Financial budget according to the conditions for approval.
  • 100 hours learning developer support for a course 1st run to facilitate design, development, test and delivery; 20 hours for the 2nd run; 5 hours for the 3rd run.
  • Tailor-made visuals for every course and program.
  • Budget for video production by the New-Media Centre or other video producer; requirements apply – see Annex 3 for details.
  • Marketing support.
  • Other support such as learning technology support (including video publishing), administration, certification and customer care, and course/program evaluation.

What to tender for

To further develop the Extension School portfolio and enhance its relevance for learners, the call for proposals will:

  • focus on the development of coherent short learning programs
  • give priority to proposals in key focus areas related to our portfolio strategic themes
  • consider support for individual standalone courses.

A short learning program consists of two or more (online) courses for non-campus learners. The course format and study load need to cater to the learning needs of the targeted learners. The courses are engaging, lead to applicable skills, include case studies from practice, typically have a study load of 4-6 hours per week over 4-6 weeks, and may be self-paced or instructor-paced depending on the learning objectives.

Photo by John Mark Smith on Unsplash (CC-BY)


Blended Education

We support lecturers in improving their campus education by implementing blended concepts, embedding open educational resources or realising other types of innovative learning for campus students. As these are not part of the call for proposals, please contact the blended education support team.