30 August 2022
Professor Dick Epema retires after an admirable career in Computer Science.

Dick Epema started his activities at the TU Delft back in 1984 and has been chair of the Distributed Systems group since 2015.
30 June 2022
Students develop software for energy companies

Five groups of TU Delft students from the bachelor Computer Science, from the faculty EEMCS worked on a special AI & Energy project this year: they were given a real-world problem or challenge by an energy-related company for which they had to develop AI-related software. The goal was to develop software or prototypes that can actually be used by the companies. This week they presented their results, with great success.
15 June 2022
Lydia Chen's 'Perspectief' proposal accepted
The NWO has awarded a Perspectief grant of 4.2 million euros to DEPMAT consortium. Lydia Chen takes part in the DEPMAT and leads the effort of data and process modeling.
26 October 2021
Jan Rellermeyer has paper accepted in ACM/IFIP Middleware 2021
08 October 2021