20 April 2023
Benelux AI and ML conference in Delft
20 April 2023
Two papers on industrial scheduling at ICAPS 2023
23 February 2023
Stephanie Wehner receives NWO Vici grant for innovative research line

10 January 2023
TU Delft in ROBUST with 3 new ICAI labs and AI clinics for SMEs thanks to NWO funding of 25 million euro

Today, the NWO announced that it is awarding the ROBUST programme 25 million euros. ROBUST, an initiative from the Innovation Centre for Artificial Intelligence (ICAI), is a collaboration of 51 partners from industry, government, and the knowledge sector, including TU Delft. ROBUST's total budget is over 87 million euros, and with the new impetus from NWO, 17 labs and 170 PhD students will be added in 10 years.
16 November 2022
DEWIS award for Anna Lukina

Anna Lukina, assistant professor from the faculty of EEMCS, was awarded the annual DEWIS Award – presented personally by Rob Mudde (Vice-Rector Magnificus) during the DEWIS Symposium on November 14.