The Institute issues a series of Technical Reports in PDF format.
DIAM Reports 2025
- K.Slepova, Ivan Etoku Oiye, Martin B. van Gijzen
Multi-stage PDE-based image processing techniques for noisy MRI scans
DIAM Reports 2022
- C.W.J. Lemmens
Vibrations of a circular drum:Some less boring ones
DIAM Reports 2021
- P.A. Nakate, D.J.P. Lahaye and C. Vuik
The effect of operating conditions on the nitric oxide formation in anode baking furnace through numerical modeling
- M.E. Kootte, J.E. Romate and C. Vuik
Solving the Power Flow problem on Integrated Transmission-Distribution Networks: A Review and Numerical Assessment
DIAM Reports 2020
- S V. Kumar, C. Vuik
Distance field driven mean camber line extraction algorithm
PDF-File - V.Dwarka, C.Vuik
Scalable multi-level deflation preconditioning for the highly indefinite Helmholtz equation
PDF-File - M.E. Kootte, J.E. Romate, and C. Vuik
Load flow computations for (integrated) Transmission and Distribution systems. A literature review.
PDF-File - E. D. Wobbes
Smart Gas Grids: Technology and Policy Aspects
PDF-File - Q. Peng, F.J. Vermolen
Point Forces in Elasticity Equation and Their Alternatives in Multi Dimensions
PDF-File - A.S. Markensteijn, J.E. Romate, C. Vuik
Optimal flow for general multi-carrier energy systems,including load flow equations.
PDF-File - P.A. Nakate, D.J.P. Lahaye, C. Vuik, M. Talice
Analysis of the aerodynamics in the heating section of an
anode baking furnace using non-linear finite element
DIAM Reports 2019
- Q. Peng, F.J. Vermolen
Point Forces and Their Alternatives in Cell-Based Models for Skin Contraction
PDF-File - Q. Peng, F.J. Vermolen
Numerical Methods to Solve Elasticity Problems with Point Sources
PDF-File - A.S. Markensteijn, J.E. Romate, C. Vuik
A graph-based framework for steady-state load flow analysis of multi-carrier energy networks
- X. He and C. Vuik
Efficient and robust Schur complement approximations in the augmented Lagrangian preconditioner for high Reynolds number laminar flows
PDF-File - M.L. de Leeuw den Bouter, M.B. van Gijzen en R.F. Remis.
CGME for general-form regularization with an application to low-field MRI
PDF-File - V. Dwarka and C. Vuik
Scalable Convergence Using Two-Level Deflation
Preconditioning for the Helmholtz Equation
PDF-File - E. Wobbes, M. Moller, V. Galavi, and C. Vuik
Conservative Taylor Least Squares reconstruction for material point methods
PDF-File - G. B. Diaz Cortes, C. Vuik, J. D. Jansen
POD-based deflation techniques for the solution of two-phase flow problems in large and highly heterogeneous porous media.
- X. He and C. Vuik
- M. el Abbassi, D.J.P. Lahaye, C. Vuik
Modelling turbulent combustion coupled with conjugate heat transfer in OpenFOAM
PDF-File - P.A. Nakate
Maththematical modelling of Combustion reactions in turbulent flow of baking process
PDF-File - B. Sereeter, C. Vuik and C. Witteveen
Newton Power Flow Methods For Unbalanced Three-Phase Distribution Networks
PDF-File - A.S. Markensteijn, C. Vuik
A Literature Study on Modeling Integrated Energy System Networks
PDF-File - B. Sereeter, C. Vuik, and C. Witteveen
On a comparison of Newton-Raphson solvers for power flow problems
PDF-File - X. He, C. Vuik and C. Klaij
Combining the augmented Lagrangian preconditioner with the SIMPLE Schur complement approximation Delft University of Technology Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics Report 17-06 2017 ISSN 1389-6520
PDF-File - P. Sonneveld
PDF File - G.B. Diaz Cortes, C. Vuik and J.D. Jansen
On POD-based Deflation Vectors for DPCG applied to porous media problems
PDF File - F.J. Vermolen and A. Segal
On an intergration rule for products of barycentric coordinates over simplexes in Rn
<link file:28261 _blank>PDF file - M. Baumann and M.B. Van Gijzen
An Efficient Two-level Preconditioner for Multi-Frequency Wave Propagation Problems
PDF file - Reinaldo Astudillo
Accelerating the Induced Dimension Reduction method using spectral information
PDF file
- M. el Abbassi, D.J.P. Lahaye, C. Vuik
PDF file - R. Astudillo and M. B. van Gijzen
The Induced Dimension Reduction method applied to convection-diffusion-reaction problems
PDF file - G. B. Diaz Cortes, C. Vuik, J. D. Jansen
Physics-based pre-conditioners for large-scale subsurface flow simulation
PDF file - M. Baumann, R. Astudillo, Y. Qiu, E. Ang, M.B. Van Gijzen and R.-E. Plessix
An MSSS-Preconditioned Matrix Equation Approach for the Time-Harmonic Elastic Wave Equation at Multiple Frequencies
PDF file - J. Chen and F.J. Vermolen
Literature study on cell-based semi-stochastic modelling for the dynamics of growth of cell colonies
PDF file - M.A. de Jong and C. Vuik
GPU Implementation of the RRB-solver
PDF file - L.A. Lopez Pena, B. Meulenbroek and F.J. Vermolen
A network model for the biofilm Growth Evolution in porous media and its effects on permeability and porosity
PDF file
- Y. Qiu, M.B. van Gijzen, J.W. van Wingerden, M. Verhaegen, C. Vuik
Convergence Analysis of Multilevel Sequentially Semiseparable Preconditioners
PDF Format - Peter Sonneveld
THAT’S WHY, sort of ... Classical Mechanics derived from Self-evident Axioms
PDF Format - M.M.J. Mieremet
Numerical stability for velocity-based 2-phase formulation for geotechnical dynamic analysis
PDF Format - J. Zhao, E.A.H. Vollebregt and C.W. Oosterlee
Extending the BEM for elastic contact problems beyond the half-space approach
PDF Format - R. Astudillo and M. B. van Gijzen
Induced Dimension Reduction method for solving linear matrix equations
PDF Format - Yue Qiu, Martin B. van Gijzen, Jan-Willem van Wingerden, Michel Verhaegen, Cornelis Vuik
Preconditioning Optimal In-Domain Control of Navier-Stokes Equation Using Multilevel Sequentially Semiseparable Matrix Computations
PDF Format - J.S.B. van Zwieten
Efficient simulation of one-dimensional two-phase flow with a new high-order Discontinuous Galerkin method
PDF Format
- Y. Qiu, M.B. van Gijzen, J.W. van Wingerden, M. Verhaegen, C. Vuik
- Manuel Baumann and Martin van Gijzen
Nested Krylov methods for shifted linear systems
PDF Format - J. Zhao, E.A.H. Vollebregt and C.W. Oosterlee
A fast nonlinear conjugate gradient based method for 3D frictional contact problems
PDF Format - G. Oud
Development and validation of the cylindrical Mass Conserving Level Set method
PDF Format - R. Astudillo and M. B. van Gijzen
A Restarted Induced Dimension Reduction method to approximate eigenpairs of large unsymmetric matrices
PDF Format - J.M. Tang, C. Vuik, C. Witteveen
Recent and Future Contributions of Delft University of Technology to Smart Grids
PDF Format
- Manuel Baumann and Martin van Gijzen
- M. Rojas, B.H. Fotland and T. Steihaug
Computational and Sensitivity Aspects of Eigenvalue-Based Methods for the Large-Scale Trust-Region Subproblem - Extended Version
PDF Format - L. Wobbes and D. Lahaye
Load flow computations in hybrid transmission - distribution power systems
PDF Format - Mian Ilyas Ahmad, Daniel B. Szyld, and Martin B. van Gijzen
Preconditioned multishift BiCG for H2-optimal model reduction
Not yet available - Yue Qiu, Martin B. van Gijzen, Jan-Willem van Wingerden, Michel Verhaegen and Cornelis Vuik
Efficient Preconditioners for PDE-Constrained Optimization Problems with a Multi-level Sequentially Semi-Separable Matrix Structure
PDF Format - N.D. Manh, A. Evgrafov, J. Gravesen and D.J.P. Lahaye
Isogeometric Shape Optimization of Magnetic Density Separators
PDF Format - J.S.B. van Zwieten
Towards Advanced One-Dimensional Numerical Models for Multiphase Flow in Pipelines
PDF Format - X. He, M. Neytcheva and C. Vuik
On preconditioning incompressible non-Newtonian flow problems
PDF Format - D. Cvoric, D.J.P. Lahaye, S.W.H. de Haan and J.A. Ferreira
Nonlinear Transient Field-Circuit Modeling of Inductive Fault Current Limiters
PDF Format - M.A. Romero-Valle, M. Pisaroni, D. Van Puyvelde, D.J.P. Lahaye and R. Sadi
Numerical Modeling of Rotary Kiln Productivity Increase
PDF Format - Xin He and C. Vuik
Comparison of some preconditioners for incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
PDF Format - Yue Qiu, Martin van Gijzen, Jan-Willem van Wingerden, Michel Verhaegen and Cornelis Vuik
Evaluation of Multilevel Sequentially Semiseparable Preconditioners on CFD Benchmark Problems Using IFISS
PDF Format - R. Thomas, D.J.P. Lahaye, C. vuik and L. van der Sluis
Transients in power systems: A literature survey
PDF Format - Morteza Hassanabadi
An extension of the Zandvliet-Handels-van Essen-Brouwer-Jansen pseudowell-based method for automatic well placement
PDF Format - C. Budd, J. Evers, J. Frank, S. Gaaf, R. Hoogwater,D.J.P. Lahaye, C. Meerman, E. Siero and T. van Zalen
Effective Water Storage as Flood Protection the Rijnstrangen Study Case
PDF Format - Alex Sangers and Martin B. van Gijzen
The eigenvectors corresponding to the second eigenvalue of the Google matrix and their relation to link spamming
PDF Format - Kees Vuik, Fons Daalderop, Peter Wilders, Joanna Daudt, Robert van Kints , Xiwei Wu, Kirsten Koolstra, Joris van den Oever, Bert Lobbezoo
Online Math Education (MUMIE) for Numerical Analysis and Linear Algebra
PDF Format
- M. Rojas, B.H. Fotland and T. Steihaug
H. Madrid, V. Guerra, and M. Rojas
Sampling techniques for Monte Carlo matrix multiplication with applications to image processing
Nog niet beschikbaarM. van den Akker, H. Blok, C. Bud, R. Eggermont, A. Guterman, D.J.P. Lahaye, J.L. Rotgerink, K.W. Myerscough, C. Prins, T.Tromper, W. Wadman
A Case Study in the Future Challenges in Electricity Grid Infrastructure
PDF FormatB. Zhang and C.W.Oosterlee
Efficient pricing of Asian options under Levy processes based on Fourier cosine expansion. Part II: early--exercise features and GPU implementation
PDF FormatM. Pisaroni, R. Sadi and D.J.P. Lahaye
Counteracting Ring Formation in Rotary Kilns
Digitaal niet beschikbaarB. Delinchant, D. Lahaye, F. Wurtz, and J. L. Coulomb
Manifold Mapping Optimization With or Wihout True
PDF FormatW. Mulckhuyse, D. Lahaye and A. Belitskaya
Adjoint Sensitivity in Electrical Impedance Tomography
PDF FormatM.B. van Gijzen
Nog niet beschikbaarR. Idema, G. Papaefthymymiou, D.J.P. Lahaye, C. Vuik and L. van der Sluis
Towards Faster Solution of Large Power Flow Problems
Digitaal niet beschikbaarH. Vu Xuan, D. Lahaye, H. Polinder and J.A. Ferreira
Influence of Sator Slotting on the Performance of Permanent-Magnet Machines with Concentrated Windings
PDF FormatP. van Slingerland and C. Vuik
Fast linear solver for pressure computation in layered domains
PDF FormatP. van Slingerland
Scalable two-level preconditioning and deflation based on a piecewise constant subspace for (SIP)DG systems
PDF FormatF.J. Lingen, P.G. Bonnier, R.B.J. Brinkgreve, M.B. van Gijzen, and C. Vuik
A parallel linear solver exploiting the physical properties of the underlying mechanical problem
PDF FormatC. Vuik and F. Daalderop and R. van Kints
Evaluation MUMIE Online Math Education Pilot Aerospace Engineering and Computer Science 2011-2012
PDF Format
A.H. Sheikh, D. Lahaye, C. Vuik.
A scalable Hemholtz solver combining the shifted Laplace preconditioner with multigrid deflation
PDF FormatB. Zhang, L.A. Grzelak, C.W. Oosterlee
Efficient Pricing of Commodity Options with Early-Exercise under the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process
PDF FormatD. IbrahimF.J. Vermolen, C. Vuik
Stability analysis of the numerical density-enthalpy model
PDF FormatT.B. Jonsthovel, M.B. van Gijzen, C. Vuik, A. Scarpas
On the use of rigid body modes in the deflated preconditioned conjugate gradient method
PDF FormatT.B. Jonsthovel, M.B. van Gijzen, S. MacLachlan, C. Vuik, A. Scarpas
Comparison of the Deflated Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient method and parallel direct solver for composite materials
PDF FormatM.B. van Gijzen, Gerard L.G. Sleijpen and Jens-Peter Zemke
Flexible and multi-shift induced dimension reduction algorithms for solving large sparse linear systems
PDF FormatF. Raees, D.R. van der Heul, C. Vuik
Evaluation of the interface-capturing algorithm of OpenFOAM for the simulation of incompressible immiscible two-phase flow
PDF FormatM.D.L.C. Rojas Larrazabal, J. Guerrero, M. Raydan
A hybrid-optimization method for large-scale non-negative full regularization in image restoration
PDF FormatM.D.L.C. Rojas Larrazabal, B. H. Fotland, T. Steihaug
Computational and Sensitivity Aspects of Eigenvalue-Based Methods for the Large-Scale Trust-Region Subproblem
PDF FormatC. Vuik, F. Daalderop, R. van Kints, B. Schaap
Evaluation MUMIE Online Math Education Pilot Aerospace Engeneering
PDF FormatB. Zhang, C.W. Oosterlee
Efficient Pricing of Asian Options under L´evy Processes based on Fourier Cosine Expansions
PDF FormatP. Slingerland, C. Vuik
Spectral two-level deflation for DG: a preconditioner for CG that does not need symmetry
PDF FormatW.K. van Wijngaarden, F.J. Vermolen, G.A.M. van Geurs, C. Vuik
A mathematical model and analytical solution for the fixation of bacteria in Biogrout
Nog niet beschikbaarR. Idema, D.J.P. Lahaye, C. Vuik,
On the convergence of inexact Newton methods
PDF FormatR. Gupta, M.B. van Gijzen, C. Vuik
Efficient Two-Level Preconditionined Conjugate Gradient Method on the GPU
PDF FormatC. Vuik, A.G.M. Daaldorp, R. van Kints, T. Baksteen, B. Schaap
Evaluation MUMIE - Online Math Education Aerospace Engineering 2010-2011
PDF Format
- Lech A. Grzelak & C.W. Oosterlee
An Equity-Interest Rate Hybrid Model With Stochastic Volatility And The Interest Rate Smile.
PDF Format - Pavel Prokharau & Fred Vermolen
Stability analysis for a peri-implant osseointegration model.
PDF Format - Bowen Zhang & Cees W. Oosterlee
Acceleration of Option Pricing Technique on Graphics Processing.
PDF Format - B. Zhang & C.W. Oosterlee
An Efficient Pricing Algorithm for Swing Options Based on Fourier Cosine Expansions
PDF Format - T.P. Collignon and M.B. van Gijzen
Fast solution of nonsymmetric linear systems on Grid computers using parallel variants of IDR(s)
PDF Format - M.A. Badri, P. Wilders & A.R. Azimian
Flow estimation for the Persian Gulf using a Kelvin wave expension
PDF Format - M.A. Badri, P. Wilders & A.R. Azimian
nog niet beschikbaar - Peter Sonneveld
On the convergence behaviour of IDR(s)
PDF Format - Peter Sonneveld
On the statistical properties of solutions of completely random linear systems.
PDF Format - D.C. Sorensen and M. Rojas
Efficient Numerical Methods for Least-Norm
PDF Format - T.P. Collignon and M.B. van Gijzen
Exploiting the flexibility of IDR(s) for grid computing
PDF Format - M. Rojas, B.H. Fotland, and T. Steihaug.
Large-Scale Eigenvalue Problems in Trust-Region Calculations.
PDF Format - Lech A. Grzelak & C.W. Oosterlee
On Cross-currency Models with Stochastic Volatility and Correlated Interest Rates.
PDF Format - M.C. Yeung, J.M. Tang, and C. Vuik
On the Convergence of GMRES with Invariant-Subspace Deflation
PDF Format - J. Lampe, M. Rojas, D.C. Sorensen, and H. Voss.
Accelerating the LSTRS Algorithm
PDF Format - Martin B. van Gijzen and Peter Sonneveld
An elegant IDR(s) variant that efficiently exploits BI-Orthogonality properties
PDF Format - V. Cheruvu and J.K. Ryan
A-multi wavelet type limiter for discontinuous galerkin approximations
PDF Format - J.K. Ryan
Local derivative post-processing: challenges for a non-uniform mesh
PDF Format - P. van Slingerland, and C. Vuik
Fast Iterative Methods for Discontinuous Galerkin Discretizations for Elliptic PDEs
PDF Format - R. Gupta, C. Vuik, and C.W.J. Lemmens
GPU Implementation of Deflated Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient
PDF Format - T.P. Collignon, G.L.G. Sleijpen, and M.B. van Gijzen
Interpreting IDR (s) as a deflation
PDF Format - R. Idema, D.J.P. Lahaye, C. Vuik and L. van der Sluis
Scalable Newton-Krylov Solver for Very Large Power Flow Problems
PDF Format - D. Ibrahim, F. J. Vermolen, C. Vuik
Numerical Methods For Industrial Problems With Phase Changes
PDF Format
- Lech A. Grzelak & C.W. Oosterlee
- X. Huang, and C.W. Oosterlee
Saddlepoint Approximations for Expectations
PDF format - Exploiting BiCGstab(l) strategies to induce dimension reduction
Gerard L.G. Sleijpen and Martin B. van Gijzen
PDF format - P. Prokharau & F.J. Vermolen
On Galerkin FEM approximation of 1D and 2D poro-elastic problem
PDF format - R. Idema, D.J.P. Lahaye, and C. Vuik
Load Flow Literature Survey
PDF format - Lech A. Grzelak & Cornelis W. Oosterlee
On The Heston Model with Stochastic Interest Rates
PDF format - P. van Slingerland, J.K. Ryan, and C. Vuik
Smoothness-Increasing Convergence-Conserving Spline Filters Applied to Streamline Visualisation of DG Approximations
PDF format - Lech A. Grzelak, Cornelis W. Oosterlee and Sacha van Weeren
Efficient Option Pricing with Multi-Factor Equity-Interest Rate, Hybrid Models
PDF format - T.B. Jönsthövel
Preconditioned conjugate gradient method enhanced by deflation of rigid body modes applied to composite materials.
PDF format - W.K. van Wijngaarden, F.J. Vermolen, G.A.M. van Meurs & C. Vuik
Modelling Biogrout: a new ground improvement method based on microbial induced carbonate precipitation
PDF format - Ibrahim, F. J. Vermolen, C. Vuik , and D. Hegen
Numerical Methods for Industrial Problems with Phase Changes
PDF format - A.H. Sheikh, C. Vuik en D. Lahaye
Fast Iterative Solution Methods For The Helmholtz Equation
PDF format - T.P. Collignon en M.B. van Gijzen
Fast Iterative Solution of Large Sparse Linear Systems on Geographically Separated Clusters
PDF format
- X. Huang, and C.W. Oosterlee
- S.P. MacLachlan, J.M. Tang and C. Vuik
Fast and Robust Solvers for Pressure Correction in Bubbly Flow Problems
PDF format - F. Fang and C. W. Oosterlee
On an Option Pricing Method based on Fourier-Cosine Series Expansions
PDF format - S. van Veldhuizen, C. Vuik and C.R. Kleijn
A class of projected Newton methods to solve laminar reacting flow problems
PDF format - L.A. Grzelak, C.W. Oosterlee, S. van Weeren
Extension of Stochastic Volatility Models with Hull-White Interest Rate Process
PDF format - J.M. Tang, S.P. MacLachlan, R. Nabben, C. Vuik
Theoretical Comparison of Two-Level Preconditioners based on Multigrid and Deflation
PDF format - V.A. Gaiko
Limit Cycle Bifurcations in a Quadratic System with Two Parallel Straight Line-Isoclines
PDF format - Gerard L.G. Sleijpen, Peter Sonneveld and Martin B. van Gijzen
Bi-CGSTAB as an induced dimension reduction method
PDF format - T. P. Collignon and M. B. van Gijzen
Solving Large Sparse Linear Systems Efficiently on Grid Computers using an Asynchronous Iterative Method as a Preconditioner
PDF format - M. ur Rehman, C. Vuik, G. Segal
SIMPLE-type preconditioners for the Oseen problem
PDF format - X. Huang and C.W. Oosterlee
Generalized Beta Regression Models for Random Loss-Given-Default
PDF format - F. Fang and C.W. Oosterlee
Pricing Early-Exercise and Discrete Barrier Options by Fourier-Cosine Series Expansions
PDF format - Tijmen Collignon and Martin B. van Gijzen
Parallel Scientific Computing on Loosely Coupled Networks of Computers
PDF format - Ibrahim, C. Vuik, F. J. Vermolen, and D. Hegen
Numerical Methods for Industrial Flow Problems
PDF format - P. Sonneveld, J.J.I.M. van Kan, X. Huang and C.W. Oosterlee
Nonnegative Matrix Factorization of a Correlation Matrix
PDF format - H. bin Zubair, S. P. MacLachlan and C. W. Oosterlee
A geometric multigrid method based on L-shaped coarsening for PDEs on stretched grids
PDF format - J.R. Rommelse, J.D. Jansen, A.W. Heemink, F. Wilschut and O. Kleptsova
Comparison of the Ensemble Kalman Filter and a modified Representer Method for sensitivity to prior data
PDF format - P. van Slingerland, M. Borsboom and C. Vuik
A local theta scheme for advection problems with strongly varying meshes and velocity profiles
PDF format - J.R. Rommelse, J.D. Jansen and A.W. Heemink
Variational estimation of permeability and model errors from 3D and 4D seismic data using model-driven regularization
PDF format - T.B. Jönsthövel
Development of a solver for large algebraic system from structural mechanics.
PDF format - reserved
PDF format - Martin B. van Gijzen and Peter Sonneveld
An elegant IDR(s) variant that efficiently exploits bi-orthogonality properties
PDF format - F.J. Vermolen & E. Javierre
On the construction of analytic solutions for a diffusion-reaction equation with a discontinuous switch mechanism
PDF format - L.A. Grzelak & N. Borovykh & S. van Weeren & C.W. Oosterlee
Incorporating an Interest Rate Smile in an Equity Local Volatility Model
PDF format
- S.P. MacLachlan, J.M. Tang and C. Vuik
- R. Nabben, C. Vuik
A comparison of abstract versions of deflation, balancing and additive coarse grid correction preconditioners
PDF format - C. Vuik, I. Benchev
The static model for the Multi Thruster Control System without constraints
PDF format - C. Vuik
The Stadyc model for the movement of a ship by Multi Thrusters
PDF format - J.M. Tang, R. Nabben, C. Vuik, Y.A. Erlangga
Theoretical and numerical comparison of various projection methods derived from deflation, domain decomposition and multigrid methods
PDF format - J.R. Rommelse, J.D. Jansen and A.W. Heemink
An efficient gradient-based parameter estimation algorithm using representer expansions
PDF format - X. Huang, C.W. Oosterlee, and M.A.M Mesters
Computation of VaR and VaR Contribution in the Vasicek portfolio credit loss model: a comparative study
PDF format - Peter Sonneveld and Martin B. van Gijzen
IDR(s): a family of simple and fast algorithms for solving large nonsymmetric linear systems
PDF format - S. van Veldhuizen C. Vuik C.R. Kleijn
Transient chemical vapor deposition simulations
PDF format - R. Idema, C. Vuik
A Minimal Residual Method for Shifted Skew-Symmetric Systems
PDF format - J.M. Tang, C. Vuik
Fast Deflation Methods with Applications to Two-Phase Flows
PDF format - T.P. Collignon, M.B. van Gijzen
Implementing the Conjugate Gradient Method on a Grid Computer
PDF format - C.C.W. Leentvaar and C.W. Oosterlee
Multi-asset option pricing using a parallel Fourier-based technique
PDF format - X. Huang, C.W. Oosterlee
Adaptive integration for multi-factor portfolio credit loss models
PDF format - E. Javierre, F.J. Vermolen, C. Vuik and S. van der Zwaag
A mathematical approach to epidermal wound closure: Model Analysis and Computer Simulations
PDF format - M. ur Rehman, C. Vuik and G. Segal
Preconditioners for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
PDF format - V.A. Gaiko and W.T. van Horssen
Global Analysis of Piecewise Linear Dynamical Systems
PDF format - W.T. van Horssen and M.C. ter Brake
On the multiple scales perturbation method for difference equations
PDF format
- R. Nabben, C. Vuik
- J.M. Tang, C. Vuik
An Efficient Deflation Method applied on 2-D and 3-D Bubbly Flow Problems
PDF format - F.J. Vermolen
Zener solutions for particle growth in multi-component alloys
PDF format - Ruperto P. Bonet Chaple
Numerical Stabilization of Convection-Diffusion-Reaction Problems
PDF format - J.H. Brusche, A. Segal, C. Vuik
A study of enthalpy methods for mark formation modeling
PDF format - M. ur Rehman, C. Vuik G. Segal
Solution of the incompressible Navier Stokes equations with preconditioned Krylov subspace methods
PDF format - M. ur Rehman, C. Vuik, G. Segal
Study Report of IFISS Package( version 2.1)
PDF format - S. van Veldhuizen, C. Vuik, C.R. Kleijn
Numerical Methods for CVD Simulation
PDF format - X. Huang, C.W. Oosterlee and J.A.M van der Weide
Higher Order Saddlepoint Approximations in the Vasicek Portfolio Credit Loss Model
PDF format - H. bin Zubair, C.W. Oosterlee, R. Wienands
Multigrid for High Dimensional Elliptic Partial Differential Equations on Non-equidistant Grids
PDF format - S.P. van der Pijl, A. Segal, C. Vuik
Modeling of three-dimensional multi-phase flows with a Mass-Conserving Level-Set method
PDF format - Gunardi, J.H.M. Anderluh, J.A.M. van der Weide, Subanar, Sri Haryatmi
Indonesian Options
PDF format - J.H. Brusche, A. Segal, C. Vuik
Towards solving a moving boundary problem within a multi-layered recording stack
PDF format - C.C.W. Leentvaar and C.W. Oosterlee
On coordinate transformation and grid stretching for sparse grid pricing of basket options
PDF format - J.M. Tang, C. Vuik
New Variants of Deflation Techniques for Bubbly Flow Problems
PDF format - S. van Veldhuizen, C. Vuik, C.R. Kleijn
A Note on the Numerical Simulation of Kleijn?s Benchmark Problem
PDF format - M.B. van Gijzen, Y.A. Erlangga, C. Vuik
Spectral analysis of the discrete Helmholtz operator preconditioned with a shifted Laplacian
PDF format
- J.M. Tang, C. Vuik
- W.T. van Horssen and S.V. Ponomareva
On the construction of the solution of an equation describing an axially moving string.
PDF format - J.M. Tang
Parallel Deflated CG Methods applied to Linear Systems from Moving Boundary Problems
PDF format - E. Javierre, C. Vuik, F.J. Vermolen, S. van der Zwaag
A comparison of numerical models for one-dimensional Stefan problems.
PDF format - F.J. Vermolen, E. van Baaren and J.A. Adam
A simplified model for growth factor induced healing of circular wounds
PDF format - S. van Veldhuizen
Efficient Methods for Solving Advection Diffusion Reaction Equations
PDF format - J.M. Tang, C. Vuik
On the Theory of Deflation and Singular Symmetric Positive Semi-Definite Matrices
PDF format - E. Javierre , C. Vuik, F.J. Vermolen, A. Segal
A level set method for particle dissolution in a binary alloy
PDF format
- W.T. van Horssen and S.V. Ponomareva
- Hartono and W.T. van Horssen
On Rain-wind Induced Vibrations of a Seesaw Oscillator
PDF format - Caswita and W.T. van Horssen
On the Influence of Gravity on the Static State of an Inclined Tensioned String
PDF format - P. Sonneveld
Some Properties of the Generalized Eigenvalue Problem Mx=λ(Γ - cI)x, where M is the Infinitesimal Generator of a Markov Process, and Γ is a Real Diagonal Matrix.
PDF format - J.H. Brusche
Numerical modeling of optical phase-change recording
PDF format - Y. A. Erlangga, C. W. Oosterlee, C. Vuik
A Novel Multigrid Based Preconditioner For Heterogeneous Helmholtz Problems
PDF format - Caswita and W.T. van Horssen
On the in-plane response of an inclined stretched string due to a forcing at one of the boundaries
PDF format - Caswita, A.H.P. van der Burgh and W.T. van Horssen
On the planar and whirling motion of a stretched string due to a parametric harmonic excitation
PDF format - Caswita, W.T. van Horssen and A.H.P van der Burgh
In- and out-of-plane response of a stretched string due to an in-plane harmonic excitation
PDF format - R. Nabben, C. Vuik
A comparison of Deflation and the balancing Neumann-Neumann preconditioner
PDF format
- Hartono and W.T. van Horssen
- Y.A. Erlangga, C. Vuik and C.W. Oosterlee
On a class of preconditioners for solving the Helmholtz equation
PDF format - M.A. Zarubinskaya and W.T. van Horssen
On the vibrations of a simply supported square plate on a weakly nonlinear elastic foundation
PDF format - S.P. van der Pijl, A. Segal and C. Vuik
A mass conserving level set (MCLS) method for modeling of multi-phase flows
PDF format - S.B. Waluya and W.T. van Horssen
On approximations of first integrals for a strongly non linear forced oscillator.
PDF format - Darmawijoyo, W.T. van Horssen and Ph. Clément
On a Rayleigh wave equation with boundary damping.
PDF format - E. van den Berg, A.W. Heemink, H.X. Lin and J.G.M. Schoenmakers
Probability density estimation in stochastic environmental models using reverse representations
PDF format - Darmawijoyo, Ph. Clément and W.T. van Horssen
Global smooth solutions to a class of 1-dimensional hyperbolic problems with boundary damping.
PDF format - Chunguang Li and C. Vuik
Some results on the eigenvalue analysis of a SIMPLER preconditioned matrix.
PDF format - M.A. Zarubinskaya and W.T. van Horssen
On the free vibrations of a rectangular plate with two opposite sides simply supported and the other sides attached to linear springs.
PDF format - R. Nabben and C. Vuik
A comparison of deflation and coarse grid correction applied to porous media flow.
PDF format - H. Lumbantobing
On the parametric excitation of some nonlinear aeroelastic oscillators.
PDF format - W.T. van Horssen
On oscillations in a system with a piecewise smooth coefficient
PDF format - H. Lumbantobing
Suppression of wind-induced vibrations of a seesaw-type oscillator by means of a dynamic absorber
PDF format - F.J. Vermolen and C. Vuik
Solution of vector Stefan problems with cross-diffusion
PDF format - P.L.J. Zitha and F.J. Vermolen
Self-similar Solutions for the Foam Drainage Equation
PDF format - E.Javierre-Peréz
Literature Study: Numerical methods for solving Stefan problems
PDF format - reserved
- C. Vuik, Y.A. Erlangga and C.W. Oosterlee
Shifted Laplace preconditioners for the Helmholtz equations
PDF format
- Y.A. Erlangga, C. Vuik and C.W. Oosterlee
- C. Vuik and A. Saghir
The Krylov accelerated SIMPLE(R) method for incompressible flow.
PDF format - G. Suweken and W.T. van Horssen
On the weakly non linear, transversal vibrations of a conveyor belt with low and time varying velocity.
PDF format - W.T. van Horssen
On the influence of lateral vibrations of supports for an axially moving string
PDF format - W.T. van Horssen
On the periods of the periodic solution of the nonlinear oscillator equation x'' + x1/(2n+1)=0
PDF format - Darmawijoyo and W.T. van Horssen
On A Characteristic Layer Problem For A Weakly Damped String
PDF format - S. B. Waluya y and W.T. van Horssen
On approximations of first integrals for strongly nonlinear oscillators
PDF format - Hartono and A.H.P. van der Burgh
An Equation with a Time-periodic Damping Coefficient: stability diagram and an application
PDF format - A.H.P. van der Burgh and Hartono
Rain-wind induced vibrations of a simple oscillator
PDF format - Hartono and A.H.P. van der Burgh
Higher Order Averaging : periodic solutions, linear systems and an application
PDF format - F.J. Vermolen and C. Vuik and A. Segal
Deflation in preconditioned conjugate gradient methods for Finite Element Problems
PDF format - F.J. Vermolen, C. Vuik and S. van der Zwaag
Mathematical models for particle dissolution in metallic alloys
PDF format - Y.A. Erlangga
Some numerical aspects for solving sparse large linear systems derived from the Helmholtz equation.
PDF format - reserved
- S.B. Waluya and W.T. van Horssen
On the periodic solutions of a generalized non linear Van Der Pol oscillator.
PDF format - C. Li and C. Vuik
Eigenvalue analysis of the SIMPLE preconditioning for incompressible flow.
PDF format
- C. Vuik and A. Saghir
- F. Vermolen, C. Vuik and S. van der Zwaag
A mathematical model for the dissolution of stoichiometric particles in multi-component alloys.
PDF format - F.J. Vermolen, P.L.J. Zita and J. Bruining
A model for a viscous preflush prior to gelation in a porous medium.
PDF format - C. Vuik, A. Segal, L. el Yakoubi and E. Dufour
A comparison of various deflation vectors applied to elliptic problems with discontinous coefficients.
PDF format - reserved
- W. van Horssen and M.A. Zarubinskaya
On an elastic dissipation model for a cantilevered beam.
PDF format - H. van Haeringen
Some integrals of products of four Jacobi functions.
PDF format - S.B. Waluya and W.T. van Horssen
On approximations of first integrals for a system of weakly non-linear, coupled harmonic oscillators.
PDF format - H. van Haeringen
Seven integrals of products of three or four Jacobi functions.
PDF format - Darmawijoyo and W.T. van Horssen
On boundary damping for a weakly non linear wave equation
PDF format - H. Lumbantobing
On the dynamics of a single seesaw oscillator under strong wind conditions
PDF format - H. van Haeringen and L.P. Kok
Asymptotic behavior of some generalized hypergeometric functions
k+m+1Fk+l+m (. . .; z R-1xl) for |x| -> infinity and large parameters,
PDF format - H. van Haeringen
Some integrals involving products of Jacoby polynomials ans at most two associated functions of the second kind.
PDF format - F.J. Vermolen and C. Vuik
The influence of deflation vectors at interfaces on the deflated conjugate gradient method.
PDF format - G. Suweken and W.T. van Horssen
On the transversal vibrations of a conveyor belt with a low and time-varying velocity. Part I: The string-like case.
PDF format - F.J. Vermolen, C. Vuik and S. van der Zwaag
Some mathematical aspects of particle dissolution and cross-diffusion in multi-component alloys.
PDF format - G. Suweken and W.T. van Horssen
On the transversal vibrations of a conveyor belt with a low and time-varying velocity. Part II: The beam-like case.
PDF format
- F. Vermolen, C. Vuik and S. van der Zwaag