18 March 2025
16:00 till
[AN] Yuezhao Li: On robustness of topological phases of matter
Topological insulators are materials that are insulating in the bulk but allow boundary currents to flow without dissipation. These materials can be mathematically described by an invertible or projection in a C*-algebra that describes physical observables, thus classified by the K-theory of this C*-algebra. These K-theory classes are, however, not always robust under arbitrary disorder, leading to a distinction between "strong" and "weak" topological phases.
In this talk, I will explore the underlying mechanisms of the robustness of topological phases, offering insights from several perspectives, ranging from the simplest periodic models, to the more complicated groupoid and coarse-geometric techniques. Based on work of myself and a joint project together with Guo Chuan Thiang.
No preliminary knowledge is assumed for the talk. I will focus on the physical ideas. The use of K-theory and C*-algebras will only be on an intuitive level. Physicists are particularly welcome to join.