Starting 3rd February, tune in to Acceptable? Or Not?, a TU Delft podcast about social safety. In this series, we discuss dilemmas and explore the boundary between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. What feels fine to one person might be problematic for another. How do we determine where that line is? And does it apply to everyone?
Each episode focuses on a specific dilemma, based on real situations that have occurred at TU Delft. Guided by host Marrit de Vries – known as a podcast creator, journalist, and newsreader at Radio 538 – an expert on social safety, a student, and a TU Delft staff member engage in conversation. Their personal experiences and emotions form the foundation for an open and honest dialogue.
Social safety is complex. Power dynamics, peer and performance pressure, culture, and ignorance often play a role. The podcast explores these layers, avoiding simple answers or black-and-white thinking.
Our guests in this episode are Sam de Jong, an Applied Mathematics student, member of the Social Safety and Integrity Advisory Group, and former student council representative for Lijst Bèta; Ronald Kuil, project developer and chair of the works council; and Carola van Rijn, HR specialist and expert in social safety, with extensive experience in the academic world. They discuss the dilemma: "They see me as less competent because I show vulnerability."
Sam, Ronald, and Carola explore what vulnerability means and its role in work or study, how they personally experience this dilemma, and what they would do if faced with this situation.
Tune in and discover: Acceptable? Or Not?