On Tuesday June 10th from 9:30-17:30 the Climate Action Programme will organize the second Climate Action Festival. You are cordially invited for a day with interactive sessions, inspiring speakers, and engaging discussions at the X-Building.

At the festival we will show you what action has taken place since we started our Climate Action Programme. Across our four pillars  Climate Science; Mitigating Climate Change; Climate Change Adaptation and Climate Change Governance there has been much action, and we want to build even more connections between climate researchers across the university. Join us for our second annual festival to meet colleagues working on climate-related research and to be inspired! Throughout the day you can learn about TU Delft climate research via short presentations, posters and models of prototypes. You are also welcome to bring your own object or poster. A good festival is not without fun activities.

Submit your idea for a breakout session
As a part of the programme, we invite TU Delft staff and students to submit an application to host a breakout session during the Festival. When submitting your proposal for a breakout session, we ask you to clearly describe the session's 1) objectives,  2) the intended audience, and 3) the session format. Applicants are responsible for the content and organisation of the session. The Climate Action Programme offers practical and logistical support, including communication about the session. Applications can be submitted until February 21 via the following page.

The upcoming months we will share with you the content of our festival.

The event includes a networking lunch and a borrel to meet members of the TU Delft climate community.
The entire TU Delft community is welcome.
A form to register will follow soon.

Let us know if you have any questions via our email address

We look forward to seeing you on June 10th at our Climate Action Festival!