Urban Data Science
The section Urban Data Science is part of the Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology, and is affiliated with AMS, the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions.
The mission of Urban Data Science is to design, develop, and implement user driven solutions to model cities, buildings and landscapes in 3D for environmental modelling, urban planning and design.
The section studies and teaches geoinformation technologies, policies and governance underpinning (open) data based cities. It consists of two research groups: Governance and policies and
3D Geoinformation.
3D Geoinformation
The 3D geoinformation research group is a multidisciplinary group (computer scientists, geomatics engineers, and geographers) that focuses on technologies to support the use of 3D Geoinformation in urban applications ranging from 3D reconstruction, 3D modelling, GeoBIM and quality of 3D geoinformation to the use of 3D Geoinformation in urban applications in practise. The group has a history of collaborations with the industry and the government.
The Knowledge Centre Open Data focuses on one of the most promising policies promoting the accessibility of data: open data policies with a specific emphasis on geographic data. The research focuses on the governance of open data, its societal and economic impact, and the legal restrictions on or conditions for implementing and utilizing open data policies, with a specific focus on the open (data) city including the ethical dimensions.