Putting REsident Practices And REsidential areas at the center of a JUST and effective energy transition in underprivileged neighbourhoods
A just Energy Transition for vulnerable neighbourhoods with a bottom‐up perspective to enhance resident involvement and renovation strategies.

Shaping an effective and just energy transition in underprivileged neighborhoods encounters lack of knowledge about the diversity of energy related household practices, and about how to involve residents in planning and implementation of housing renovation. This project develops the necessary methodological and substantive knowledge in four different municipalities; uses that to create solutions in Living Labs with municipalities, housing corporations, residents and other relevant actors; improves these solutions on that basis; and prepares the findings for use elsewhere in a Learning Lab with Living Lab participants and a wider group of municipalities, businesses and other stakeholders.
The JustPREPARE project encompasses a varied mix of public and private partners, municipalities, and institutions, demonstrating collaborative work across different sectors. Its structure revolves around several Work Packages designed for interconnected results. Specifically, Tu Delft focuses on WP3 “From the outside-in”. It examines how residents are currently and potentially involved in retrofit processes, aiming to make these processes effective and just, developing renovation strategies at the building and neighborhood scale. This involves undestanding adequate methods for residents' recognition and engagement in renovation process, performing multi‐criteria evaluations of renovation technologies and design scenarios; and exploring, current and future, effective governance arrangements.
Funder: | NWO |
Programme: | KIC-call ‘Energietransitie als maatschappelijk-technische uitdaging’ |
Overall budget: | € 2.135.855,60 |
Grant amount: | Contribution to TU Delft: € 328.721,30 |
Role TU Delft: | WP3 co-leader |
Project duration: | 01-09-2022 - 31-08-2026 |
TU Delft researchers: | Diletta Rici, PhD researcher Thaleia Konstantinou, Associate Professor Henk Visscher, Professor Aksel Ersoy, Professor |
Project partners
Universiteit van Amsterdam, Technische Universiteit Delft, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven - Eindhoven University of Technology, HAN University of Applied Sciences, Municipalities such as Amsterdam, Nijmegen, Gemert-Bakel, Provincie Noord-Holland, Rotterdam, Zaandstad, and Den Haag, participating in various capacities such as in-kind contributions and participation in LiLab activities. Institutions and organizations like Bindkracht10, Stichting !WOON, Goed Wonen Gemert, Buurkracht, AEF, Avalon Advies, Over Morgen, and AMS Institute, contributing their expertise, resources, and support through in-kind contributions, cash, or participation in specific labs and activities. Additional entities including Havensteder, Klimaatmissie, Woonstichting Valburg, and Woonwaarts, indicating a wide-ranging involvement from housing and sustainability-focused organizations.