HAS design, development, validation for cadastral applications based on GPS+Galileo

The project lies at the “EGNSS applications fostering societal resilience and protecting the environment” call of EUSPA aiming to design, develop and validate innovative and cost-effective High Accuracy Service (HAS) for Cadastral Surveying applications, based on GPS + Galileo E6 HAS and Precise Point Positioning-Ambiguity Resolution (PPP-AR) quick convergence techniques.
The project involves the whole value chain of the cadastral domain, contributing to the development of an efficient cadastral system update workflow aiming to improve the data reuse and facilitate the interoperability with other applications.
Moreover, a ‘GISCAD-OV Service Operator Centre’ will set-up, being able to fully integrate the existing augmentation and national infrastructures for improving cadastral operations’ efficiency and effectiveness, reducing cadastral procedures’ time for the benefit of the citizens. For validation purposes, a Europe-wide Pilot campaign is carried out.
GISCAD-OV is based on the following drivers:
- Upgrade of commercial GNSS receivers for decoding and applying Galileo E6B corrections and integrating them into the PPP.
- PPP-RTK Multiple Constellation and Multiple Carrier Ambiguity Resolution and instantaneous fixing.
- Cost effective solutions, using low-cost augmentation services and receivers, towards “Smartphone Surveying”.
- Development of a Business Model and relevant revenue mechanisms for implementation a cadastral HAS Business Plan, involving all relevant stakeholders.
- Exploitation of new business opportunities in the cadastral land surveying, through the service differentiation introduced by Galileo HAS corrections broadcasting.
- Current status of the above technologies falls in the area of TRL 6-7, while GISCAD-OV targets TRL 8: System complete and qualified, including Galileo HAS implementation.
Funder: | EU - European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) |
Programme: | Horizon 2020 |
Overall budget: | € |
Grant amount: | € 2.606.317,51 Contribution to TU Delft: € 341.287,50 |
Grant number: | Grant Agreement Number: 870231 |
Role TU Delft: | TUDelft is Lead Beneficiary of WP6 “Standardisation and Regulation” and participates as Project Partner at the project at the following Work Packages:
Project duration: | December 2019 - May 2023 |
TU Delft researchers: | Peter J.M. van Oosterom |
Project partners
GEOWEB S.p.A., Exagone, Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica (CNIG), Sogei, Università degli Studi di Padova (UNIPD), GEO++ GMBH, NovAtel Inc., Yorku, GeoFlex, Technische Universiteit Delft, Telespazio Spa, Výzkumný ústav geodetický, topografický a kartografický (Research Institute of Geodesy Topography and Cartography VUGTK), CLGE, Università degli Studi Roma Tre