
Graduate School A+BE

  • Inge Meulenberg – Executive Secretary
  • Paul Chan – Director
  • Nathalie Bout – Facultaire Graduate School officer 
    (Present: Tuesday, Wednesday morning and Friday)

Graduate Office
Room BG.OOST.220
Telephone: +31 15 27 81667

Who to contact?

  • For matters regarding your PhD project with which your supervisors cannot help you, contact your PhD mentor.
  • For questions about the progress meetings, forms, Doctoral Education programme, DMA or the administrative process around the PhD project, mail the office:
  • The secretaries of your department can help you with employment affairs, finding a workplace, information about the TU Delft internet subscription for your home address, and day-to-day administrative matters like the reimbursement of costs you have incurred for your PhD project, your TU business cards and information about the TIM website.