Systems Engineering Programme
Systems Engineering Programme is an innovative educational programme within the Master’s programme at Applied Sciences Faculty of Delft University of Technology (TU Delft).
Are you a company working on an R&D problem that involves a Systems Engineering challenge? Are you open to working with the brightest minds of our university? Then this is something for you!
Who is it for?
The Systems Engineering Programme gives companies the opportunity to find new innovative solutions for their system or product design cases. It is a path for discovering how physics and engineering can be applied in (large) industrial projects. Under the guidance of an academic advisor, teams of highly motivated Master's students will work hand-in-hand with researchers and engineers from your company. The programme involves intensive teamwork and dealing with diversity in the working environment.
This programme offers your company the possibility for broadening its network, interacting with young researchers as possible future employees, and strengthening academic collaboration with our university, which is likely to lead to new and exciting R&D projects.
Systems Engineering Project
We are looking for R&D systems engineering challenges focused on designing Instruments, Devices, Sensors relevant for various applications: Energy Transition, Medical Applications, Fluid Engineering, Quantum Devices and Quantum Computing, or anything in the overlap between the above applications.
If your problem does not appear to meet the above criteria, please feel free to contact us; we might still be able to accommodate you in this programme.
Your team
Upon selection, a team of 5-7 Master’s students and an academic advisor will be allocated to your company. Researcher(s) from your company will be part of the team and will be expected to actively participate in the project, providing the team with relevant input, and ensuring that proposed solutions remain realistic and practically feasible.
Your team will be spending their time both at your company site as well as at the university.
What is expected from you: 2h/week minimum for interaction with your team, to be present at the opening and the closing of the project (at the university), to meet with your team weekly during the project, to arrange a company tour and accommodate students at your company.

Required Budget
The prices listed below will be used to cover costs related to paying for any necessary equipment, transportation, venues for the progress meetings or covering any other costs related to your project.
- For large R&D enterprises (more than 250 employees): € 2.000
- For small and medium R&D enterprises (fewer than 250 employees): € 1.000
- Student tuition: € 500/student/month = € 1.250/student.
Expected team size is 5-7 Master’s students for each project. Please use this document for making an internship contract with each student.
Application procedure for companies
Any company and non-governmental organization can apply by filling in the application form and submitting it together with the signed participation rules document. Please express your company interest to participate to the programme by submitting a pre-proposal. Upon selection by the university and the interest of the Master’s students, we will contact you for submitting of a full-proposal.
Confidentiality agreements and intellectual property
The main purpose of this programme is to educate Master’s students in the field of Systems Engineering and work on real-cases defined by the industrial partners. We find that the exchange of knowledge between the participating companies and students’ team should be as smooth as possible. The results generated are intended to be public.
Planning for Companies
• Before January - prepare your company case
• End January - submit your proposal (see deadline)
• February-April - registration Master’s students to the programme
• June - kick-off meeting: students team visit your company
• September-half-November - PROJECT is running; weekly progress meetings
• Half-November – Final presentation and report by the student’s team
• End November - Evaluation of your project with TU Delft
Submit Your Case
Please submit your proposal via email: and The deadlines are:
Proposal: 30 January (recurring every year)
Your proposal must be structured according to the format in the ‘Template for Systems Engineering Project Description’. The language should be English and the exact titles of the paragraphs should be used. Your project should have a maximum length of two A4 pages.
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Faculty: Applied Sciences (Physics)
Participants: R&D companies proposing Systems Engineering challenges, 25-30 Master’s students in their 2nd year
Start: every year in September
Duration: 2.5 months (see planning below)
Submit your company case: via email and
Deadline for submission by companies:
Proposal: 30 January (recurring every year)

Coordinator Systems Engineering Programme and Lecturer Physics
Maria Sovago
- +31(0)61 375 8335
Applied Sciences
Lorentzweg 1
2628 CJ Delft