100 DAYS OF... Students Taking Responsibility

The 100 DAYS OF... Students Taking Responsibility is an initiative to collaboratively explore how students can act autonomously and take responsibility for their own learning process. Through a series of events activities and interactive sessions, we aim to collect current practices at TU Delft in this context, and to explore how to create the conditions to have students take the responsibility for their own learning. 

100 DAYS OF... Students Taking Responsibility events are closely connected to the IDEE initiative on Students Taking Responsibility For Their Own Learning Process. These two projects share the interest to learn more about the theme, what are relevant questions (research) questions in relation to students taking responsibility, and to explore if there is a common ground (shared understanding) of what taking responsibility in relation to eduaction means.

Do you want to be part of the 100 DAYS exploration? 

Do you have any questions, projects, findings, practices or other ideas to share related to students taking responsibility? For example, students co-creating courses with teachers, extra-curricular activities, student-led initiatives, or other topics. Please let us know by sending an email to teachingacademy@tudelft.nl



Events in our exploration:

Upcoming Events in our exploration:

  • Date to be confirmed - Closing Activity, TU Delft Teaching Lab
    Festive gathering centered around the preliminary findings of our exploration: a final moment to reflect and discuss ways forward. Also, covering the Whitepaper.
    Sign up for this event will open once the date is set

About the 100 DAYS OF...

Event series

The "100 DAYS OF..." is a series of events organized by 4TU.CEE, LDE-CEL, TU Delft Teaching & Learning Services, TU Delft Extension School, and the TU Delft Teaching Academy.
Over 100 working days (20 weeks), various events take place to collaboratively explore a specific topic.

This edition focusses on Students Taking Responsibility.
Previous editions were focussed on: Data for Learning (learn more) and Reflection (learn more). 


Each "100 DAYS OF..." results in the delivery of a whitepaper, summarizing lessons learned, considerations, research, and future directions for educators, coordinators, and education management.