Senior University Teaching Qualification

The Senior University Teaching Qualification (SUTQ, or SKO in Dutch) developing programme provides experienced university teaching staff with the opportunity to develop advanced teaching skills as a part of Continuing Professional Development (LLL).

The programme is designed for advanced lecturers willing to experiment, innovate, develop and are open to collaborating. SUTQ participants will enlarge the TU Delft community of innovative lecturers.

Furthermore, the SUTQ programme at TU Delft will follow the best practices of SUTQs in Dutch universities by having a nice mix of modules, working on a project, coaching, peer learning and reflection.

Participants will be working on authentic projects tackling educational challenges in the faculty/programme. The outcomes of the self-defined project will be shared with TU Delft at the SUTQ Poster session, and it will apply to a broader context (not only the faculty or programme the participants were working on).

The programme is tailored for Engineering education with TU Delft heart.

The various modules of the programme are also open to other lecturers wishing to further develop their didactic qualities.


After following the SUTQ programme, participants will be able to:

  • Analyse an educational challenge in the context of student learning.
  • Formulate a researchable educational question.
  • Design a plan of approach to tackle the question.
  • Explore the potential impact and applicability of project results in a broader context.
  • Reflect on their development.
  • Pro-actively coach colleagues in the delivery, design and evaluation of education.
  • Collaborate with colleagues in a multi-disciplinary environment.

Duration of the programme

The SUTQ programme lasts 10 months and starts every September.

The SUTQ programme consists of:

  • Working on the project
  • Core modules
  • Elective modules
  • Peer group meetings
  • Mentoring a colleague
  • Individual coaching
  • SOTL-consultation with an expert
  • Reflection
  • Study trip

The programme will be completed by a SUTQ Poster session when the participants will share the results of the projects and a final interview with the assessment committee.

Target groups

Advanced/senior experienced lecturers (Lecturers, Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, Full Professors).

Admission requirements


  • Have finished UTQ or have an exemption.  
  • Have (near future) tasks and responsibilities related to SUTQ competencies.  
  • Have a project idea in which they tackle an educational challenge, aligned, mandated and supported by the Faculty/Programme (should be discussed with the Director of Studies).
  • Have time available and approved to spend on the SUTQ trajectory (approximately 4 hours (0.1 FTE) per week during the 10 monthly programme).  
  • Deliver project results which are applicable in a broader context (beyond the scope of the project).

You can also discuss the idea of the project at the intake interview.


To enrol on the SUTQ program please contact Toine Andernach or Mariia Kosynska.