ESS analyses, models and shapes these complex systems, using cutting-edge tools such as Agent Based Simulation and Modelling, ICT-architecting, Choice Behaviour Modelling and Cost Benefit Analysis. Human behaviour, economics, law and regulation and the fact that systems recurrently impact behaviour are all taken into account.
ESS truly integrates the social sciences into systems engineering. We design system architectures and market mechanisms that enable the transition to renewable energy, sustainable mobility and ubiquitous computing.
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Laurens de Vries bij Change inc. over regionale stroomprijzen

Netbeheerders onderzoeken of het mogelijk is om Nederland te verdelen in meerdere ‘biedzones’ voor elektriciteit. Stroom is dan in sommige…
Shaping the future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Mobility

With more than 150 participants at the AI & Mobility Day, topics discussed include new mobility services; crowd- and traffic management;…
Niek Mouter bij Binnenlands Bestuur over burgerparticipatie

Om burgers de keuzes van bestuurders te laten ervaren, mochten ze in de besluitvorming over een spoorlijjn in Zuid-Holland op de…