Via this page, you can find all the documents related to the graduation project, sorted by the phase in which they are needed.
MSc Graduation Project of 30 EC
Project overview
Flyer update (Nov 2023)
Flyer for students (Feb 2020)
Flyer for supervisors (Feb 2019)
Graduation manual for students (update per September 2024)
Graduation manual for students (as of September 2023)
Graduation manual for clients (September 2019)
Format for Graduation Project Brief (as of September 2023)
Project Brief Guidelines (September 2023)
IDE Graduation Contract (Feb 2019, Dutch version)
IDE Graduation Contract (Feb 2019, English version)
Code of conduct BNO (version 2014)
Chairs and mentors
IDE chairs and mentors (December 2024)
Midterm Evaluation
Format Midterm Evaluation (May 2018)
Pre Green Light meeting
Assessment form MSc Graduation project (July 2018)
Rubric MSc Graduation project (July 2018)
I - IDE request declaration accomplishment Master courses (Feb 2019)
Post Green Light meeting
Handout IDE Graduation deliverables (April 2023)
II – IDE Master Electives List - 30 ec (Feb 2019)
Letter after obtaining Green Light – 30 ec (February 2023)
How to upload deliverables to TUD Repository (July 2024)
Pre graduation
Delft Repository, Information and Instructions for uploading graduation deliverables (B5)
Poster Presentation Guidelines
Template graduation poster
TU Delft house style line on A1 poster graduation, landscape
TU Delft house style line on A1 poster graduation, portrait
Requirements for video showcase