Green Light

In the final phase of the thesis project, there will be a greenlight review. During this meeting it is decided whether you are ready to proceed with the thesis defence, resulting in a "go/no-go". It is compulsory to have a (draft) thesis ready for the green light review. 

Final Examination Form

When the supervisor decides to give the student a ‘go’, the student is ready to submit the Final Examination Form via MaRe. 
This form will administrated by the Study Programme Administration (SPA). In this form, the student declares that the following requirements have been met: 

  • Individual Exam Programme (IEP) approved by Board of Examiners 
  • Composition of the thesis committee approved by Board of Examiners 
  • All courses as stated in the IEP successfully (>5.8) finished 

In practice, it may happen that the date of the defence changes after the form has been submitted. Please notify SPA and the Board of Examiners of your study programme of the change in a timely manner. 

If the Final Examination Form is incomplete, not submitted on time, or if a change of defence date has not been communicated to SPA, you will not receive the diploma directly after successfully passing the defence session. Please be aware that degree diplomas are Dutch legal documents. Therefore, diplomas must be officially applied for by SPA and registered with the Dutch government. Printing a diploma is therefore bound by legal procedures and that takes time to complete. 

There are strict deadlines to submit the Thesis Committee Form and the Final Examination Form (see below). The meeting dates of the Board of Examiners can be found here.

Deadlines for SET 

Application form


Thesis Committee Form

Submit the form via MaRe for approval two months before the planned defence date.

Final Examination Form

Submit the form via MaRe 1 month prior to the established defence date at the latest.

Deadlines for other EEMCS programmes 



Thesis Committee Form

Submit the form via MaRe  for approval three months before the planned defence date.

Final Examination Form

Submit the form via MaRe​​​​​​​ 6 weeks prior to the established defence date at the latest.

These applications cannot be discussed in the same Board of Examiners meeting.