S.P. (Serge) Hoogendoorn
Serge Hoogendoorn was appointed Antonie van Leeuwenhoek professor Traffic Operations and Management in 2006. He has been the chair of the department Transport and Planning since 2018. He is currently (one of the four) Distinguished Professor of Smart Urban Mobility at Delft University of Technology. He has a part time appointment at Monash University, and is an Honorary Professor in the School of Transportation at South East University in China. He is a distinguished research fellow position at RIOH (Beijing). Hoogendoorn is the PI Mobility in the Institute of Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (, a staff member of the TRAIL Research School on Transport and Logistics at DUT (, and he chairs of the Network Management foundation ( He completed his PhD at Delft University of Technology in 1999.
Serge Hoogendoorn's current research evolves around Smart Urban Mobility, with focal areas such as i) theory, modelling, and simulation of traffic and transportation networks, including cars, pedestrian, cyclists and novel public transport services (e.g. Demand Responsive Transit in combination with traditional PT); ii) development of methods for integrated management of these networks (regional network management, crowd and bicycle management; public transport operations); iii) impact of uncertainty of travel behaviour and network operations; iv) impact of ICT on network flow operations, robustness and resilience, and v) urban data and its applications. In all these topics, his work considers both recurrent and non-recurrent (emergency) situations.
Hoogendoorn is one of very few academics who has been awarded personal grants in all the components of the Dutch NWO Vernieuwingsimpuls scheme: VENI, VIDI and VICI (NWO is the Netherlands National Science Foundation). In 2014, he was awarded a prestigious ERC Advanced Grant (2.9 million Euros) for his ALLEGRO project on active mode mobility. Apart from that he has been awarded many scientific grants predominantly from NWO. Serge Hoogendoorn
- +31 (15) 27 85475
Room: 4.09
Secretary: Moreen Roldanus

Portrait of Science S.P. Hoogendoorn
- nevenwerkzaamheden
2024-01-01 - 2025-12-31
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2024-01-01 - 2025-12-31
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