Visum & Verblijfsvergunning

If you are a non-EU and non-EFTA student at TU Delft, you may need a MVV visa (entry visa) and/or a Residence Permit for Study in order to study in the Netherlands. TU Delft will apply for the MVV Visa and/or Residence Permit for Study on your behalf at the IND (the Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Services). It is not possible for you as a student to apply yourself.


In order to apply for your MVV Visa and/or Residence Permit for Study, you need to fulfil the following conditions:

  • You have been (conditionally) admitted to TU Delft as a student.
  • You are able to demonstrate your financial solvability by making a guarantee payment (i.e. tuition fee and/or costs of living for the first year of degree programme or duration of the exchange programme; current rates are published here).
  • Your passport is valid for at least 6 months after the start of your studies.

MVV Visa

The MVV Visa is a document that both allows you to enter the Netherlands and stay legally for a duration of 90 days. All non-EU and non-EFTA nationals need a MVV Visa to enter the Netherlands as well as a Residence Permit for Study.

If you are a national from the UK, South Korea, Australia, Canada, Japan, Monaco, New Zealand, USA, Vatican City, you are exempt from the MVV Visa. You just need a Residence Permit for Study.

If you are a non-EU and non-EFTA national, but you hold a valid Residence Permit for another European country in the Schengen area, you are also exempt from the MVV Visa, provided that the permit is valid at least till the day of arrival in the Netherlands.

Residence Permit for Study

If you are a non-EU and non-EFTA national, you will always need a Dutch Residence Permit for Study. The permit allows you to reside legally in The Netherlands during your studies.

Please note: it is not possible to change a Dutch tourist visa (category C visa) or another non-Dutch visa into a Dutch Residence Permit for Study.

Bringing family to the Netherlands

TU Delft only arranges MVV Visas and Residence Permits to admitted students. If you want to bring your partner or family for a period longer than 90 days click here; and click here for a short stay of a of maximum 90 days.


Should you have any questions about MVV Visa and/or Residence Permits, please do not hesitate to contact us at