
The Nanobiology programme is a two-year Master’s programme, comprises 120 ECTS and is conducted in English.
The Nanobiology programme of TU Delft and Erasmus MC builds on the extensive existing research collaborations between the two institutes. The focus of the programme is on the molecular building blocks of living organisms and the tools to study them. The programme is a mixture of theoretical and practical courses, which deepen and broaden the knowledge the students have acquired previously, and original research in an academic or industrial internship and a large independent research project. The courses integrate physics, math and biology. Mandatory courses cover topics such as the study of cancer from a biological and physical perspective, modern high-resolution microscopy techniques and modelling of complex systems. Apart from the compulsory courses, there is a large selection of elective courses from both institutions.
The programme is described in detail in the study guide.
Study Association Hooke
The study association ‘Hooke’ is committed to:
- Monitoring and improving education;
- Organising activities in which students can develop and grow;
- Forging links between Nanobiology students and companies;
- Organising social activities.
SVNB Hooke
Lorentzweg, kamer E306
2628 CJ Delft
+31 (0)15 27 81639