The masters in Environmental Engineering (ENV) is a two year programme. In the first year you develop a strong foundation in modelling techniques, analysing data and environmental challenges. You also choose your track and gain specialised knowledge in a field within environmental engineering.
The second year is designed to fully facilitate your interests. With the electives space, you create your own study package. You can follow electives, create your own project, complete an internship or go abroad. You cap the year off by preparing for your master’s thesis and choosing a research project.
Programme overview
This programme is all about choice: you’ll be able to choose how, where and in what way you’ll learn. As extra support, you’ll be paired with a coach. The coach acts as a sound board, guides you, and ensures that all choices align with the programme’s learning outcomes.
All students start the programme with the Principles of Environmental Engineering (9EC). This module focuses on the fundamentals of environmental engineering, both in terms of transport of contaminants between water, air and soil, and the impact of humans on the environment. Ethical considerations related to decision-making are also discussed.
During the Programme Module you also start a portfolio. The portfolio documents all the choices you make during the programme, and why you make them. You’ll complete the portfolio with your coach during your thesis preparation in the second year.
Parallel to the Principles of Environmental Engineering Module, you follow the module on Modelling, Uncertainty and Data for Engineers (MUDE, 12 EC). This module is scheduled in Q1 and Q2 and is shared with Earth, Climate and Technology and Civil Engineering master students.
In this module, you’ll learn diverse modelling techniques, analyse data, apply Python programming to real datasets, and develop solutions for engineering challenges. You’ll work in close collaboration with professors and fellow students.
At the start of Q2 you choose your track and begin your individual learning path. Each track begins with a Stepping Stone Module (15 EC), setting the foundation within the track. Thereafter you complete an A and B Module. The A Module (9 EC) allows you to deepen your expertise and skills. During the B module (15 EC), you further develop those skills and link them to specific applications for real-life problems. Some tracks offer multiple A and B Modules: for these tracks you need to choose one module which aligns with your interest and pre-knowledge.
During the Electives Space at the start of the second year, you can follow elective courses, join a group project, study abroad or complete an internship. Any combination is allowed as long as it meets the learning goals, is a combined total of 25 ECs, and demonstrates a team-work component. Here are the options:
Elective courses (5 -10 EC) Follow master level electives of your choice, from our own faculty, or another faculty or university.
ENV Programme specific electives (5 EC per course):
Industry water
Water and health
Design nature based solutions in water management using aquatic ecology and morpho dynamic principles
Water law & organisation
Engineering and development
*Other electives can come from any other MSc programme, as long as they meet your learning goals and the learning outcomes of the ENV programme.
Cross-over modules (10 EC per module): a number of multidisciplinary courses offered to master students in Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Earth, Climate and Technology. These courses will broaden your scope and enhance your communication skills as a future environmental engineer. Download the Cross-Over Brochure here to learn more. More in-depth information about each cross-over can also be found here.
Group Project (15 EC): join or create your own group project and develop skills needed for working with a diverse team. This can be with students within the faculty ( faculty-wide multidisciplinary project (MDP)) or at a university level through the Joint Interdisciplinary project (JIP).
Internship (10 – 25 EC): develop your professional skills by completing an internship within research or a company for up to 2 quarters. The internship can take place either in the Netherlands or abroad.
The Master Thesis Preparation and Portfolio Module consists of developing a draft research proposal, training in lab skills, modelling, academic writing, and literature research. At this time, you will also complete your portfolio which shows the choices you’ve made throughout the programme.
During your master thesis you independently undertake a research or design project regarding an environmental challenge relating to your track, guided by a supervisory committee. The thesis can be within the university or with a company.