Career Opportunities

Your career prospects as a graduate of the MSc programme in Civil Engineering are excellent. Opportunities abound in the public sector as well as with engineering consultants, contractors, governmental bodies, international development organisations and research institutes. Civil Engineers from Delft have an outstanding worldwide reputation. They are able to work professionally in complex and unpredictable environments and to assume leading roles in these organisations worldwide. 


What do graduates of Civil Engineering end up doing in the world? Watch the video’s and read their stories to find out.

Marinus Aalberts

We’re facing climate change, and there are a lot of new challenges for the next generations to keep our land safe from flooding. This embankment makes sure 2 million people are safe for the next generations. That’s the importance of our job.

Marinus Aalberts, Head of Office, Witteveen+Bos

Jaap van Thiel de Vries

Civil engineers are crucial for our future because we shape the world that we live in. A world that is full of challenges related to climate change, biodiversity, which is under pressure, and to poverty, which is still found everywhere around the world. The role of civil engineers is to translate all those challenges into practical solutions.

Jaap van Thiel de Vries, Director Design & Estimating, Boskalis

Ilze Plomp-van der Sar

This role is a big responsibility. When the Maeslant Barrier closes, we really have to be ready. That's when we get to show our worth and what we’re here for. And that’s protecting millions of people. I may not be a doctor, but in that moment, I am saving lives, and it’s awesome.

Ilze Plomp-van der Sar, Senior Asset Management Advisor, Rijkswaterstaat

Ilze Plomp-van der Sar graduated in 2016 and currently works for the Rijkswaterstaat as a senior Asset Management Advisor at the Maeslant Barrier. The Maeslant Barrier is a huge storm surge barrier built to protect residents of South Holland from high sea water levels. Ilze works to maintain the Maeslant Barrier so that it functions properly when it is needed.

In her job, she frequently employs a holistic approach on maintenance, allowing her to zoom out and reflect on how a specific task aligns with the Rijkswaterstaat's mission. For her, it is crucial to view a project, such as the Maeslant Barrier, within the whole context: a certain component works together with another. You cannot really consider them separately. Another important aspect is establishing the relationship with reliability and availability and assessing the risks. That is how she makes informed decisions, decisions which have an impact on the defence barriers protecting millions of people.